Camilla and Zayn :)

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Camilla's POV 

I walked into Starbucks the warm air and the aroma of coffee hitting me in the face. It was a cold London day like always. When was there a day that was cold in London?! Anyways, as soon as I went in I could smell the lovely smell of coffee. Coffee was amazing! I loved coffee. The taste of it as it oozed down your throat, the lovely smell that wafted past your nose and the warmth of it on a cold day.  

"Can I have a large latte, please?" I asked the girl at the counter.  

"That'll be 5.50, thank you." she replied. I quickly handed her the money then took my favourite seat in Starbucks. The one closest to the window. From that seat you could see everyone that came in and out.  

I sat, drumming my fingers against the table until someone caught my eye. There coming through the door was someone with a hoodie tightly around their head. Something odd about that I thought. He was followed by four others that had a hoodie tightly around their heads to.  

"Your coffee's ready!" The girl at the counter called out. I quickly got up and went to get my coffee. I grabbed the cup from her hands then turned quickly, walking straight into that person spilling my coffee on him.  

"Oh my gosh! I'm so so sorry!" I said anxiously, looking at the liquid seeping through his varsity jacket. Hmm... varsity jacket.... 

"It's ok, love!" he said. His accent sounded familiar.  

"Umm....Here." I said, offering a napkin to him.  

"Thanks." he said. "Do you want to come over and sit with us, umm...?"  

"Camilla and sure." I smiled. He led me over to their table.  

"Haz! Don't take my carrots!" and that was when I realized who he was.  

"We better get going, lads."  

"OK. You wanna come?" he asked me. 

"Will I get trampled by your fans?" I asked them. 

"Now you realize! Took you long enough. I thought I'd have to bring out my mirror and show you my hair!" Zayn said. They quickly led me over to their hotel, battling through the humongous group of fans camping outside.  

Once we were in the hotel, we quickly sat on the floor just looking at one another. 

"Let's play Spin the Bottle!" Louis piped up. 

"Ok." The rest of the guys agreed. They got an empty bottle and Zayn spun it. It landed on me. He crawled over to me and then his lips met mine. I weaved my hands around his neck bringing him closer to me until there was no space between us.  

A wolf whistle from Louis and a "Get a Room" from harry broke us apart.  

"Want to do that some other time?" Zayn said winking at me 

"Sure." I replied. 

"How about tomorrow, 4pm, Starbucks?" he asked me. 

"Sounds perfect." I replied.

Hope You like it Camilla :) 

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