Hannah and Harry :)

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Hannah's POV 

I looked around at the scenery around me taking quick shots of a few of the buildings. It felt great to be on holidays in England. England was like my favourite place in the entire world. There was such great scenery and my favourite boy band of all time, One Direction, lived here. I glanced around hoping that I might just run into them and my eyes landed on him, Harry Styles. 

If I had to choose a favourite out of the boys, my favourite would definitely be Harry Edward Styles otherwise known as the Flirt in One Direction. He was the youngest group and with his curly brown hair and amazing green eyes he caused all the girls around the world to fall in love with him instantly.  

I walked up to him, mustering up what little courage I had. 

"Um. Hey. I'm Hannah. I'm a really big fan of you guys and I was wondering if I could get a picture with you?" I asked him. 

"Sure." he said. He took my camera out of my hands, turned it on and faced it towards us. Just as he clicked the button, he leaned over and kissed my cheek causing me to blush. I took a look at the photo. There on my tiny camera screen was a picture of Harry kissing me on the cheek.  

"I think that we make a pretty good couple. That's a nice picture. Can you send it to me? Here's my email, or you could send it to me via twitter. So you know mine, what's yours?" he asked me. I couldn't believe it. I was standing in the middle of a park in the middle of England and Harry Styles was asking for my twitter. 

"Um. It's @livelovelogan." I said nervously. 

"I see you're also a BTR fan. They're great." he said. 

"Well, I've got to go, but I will send you this probably via twitter since that's easier." I said. 

"Ok. Well I'll see you around I guess." he said before walking off towards the other side of the park. I looked over at him until I couldn't see him anymore. Then I turned around and walked back to the hotel my family and I were staying at.  

"So what did you do today?" my mum asked when I walked into the room.  

"Well, I took a couple of pictures then I saw Harry Styles in the park and he took a photo with me and he kissed me on the cheek." I said dreamingly. After my mum gave me a weird look, I turned on my laptop and quickly sent him the picture writing 'it was great to meet you today.' Instantly, I got a DM from him.  

"Would like to see you again. Meet me tomorrow at the same place at noon." I read from the DM he sent me. 


The next day 

At 11:30, I quickly made my way over to the park and there waiting was Harry. I could feel myself stop breathing. I was actually meeting Harry Styles again. 

"Hey!" he said as he leaned in and kissed my cheek once again. 

"Hey. So what are we doing?" I asked him. 

"We're having a picnic." he said simply. 

"Simple yet effective." I said quoting him from one of their many video diaries which caused him to laugh. We spent the day at the park eating and once we'd finished eating, we sat on the swings our feet kicking away the sand that was underneath it. 

"I'm really glad I met you." he said to me. 

"Yeah. Me too. Not just because I'm a huge fan of yours but because you're really nice." I said, then he leaned over and kissed me. 

A couple of Weeks Later (Hannah and Harry are now dating) 

"Harry! Just stop it! It's getting annoying and I am plain sick of it!" I screamed at him as I walked up the path towards the apartment my hair soaking wet from where it was bucketing. 

"Hannah! I love you! I wouldn't ever date one of those girls that I flirt with." Harry said. 

"Then why do you do it?" I challenged him. 

"I have to. It's part of my image but if it matters so much to you, I'll stop it. I love you Hannah." he said before grabbing me and pulling me towards him. He kissed me right there in the rain. 

"That was the best kiss in the rain ever." he said happily. "Do you forgive me?"  

I gave the only answer there was to give. "Yes"

hope you like it Hannah :) sorry it took so long. 

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