Rachel and Harry :)

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Rachel's POV 

I sat in math's class while staring out the window I thought to myself, "ugh, I hate maths. Can't wait to get out of here and go practise for the musical." Our school was putting on Oklahoma as our kind of end of year performance and one of the main roles. Music was one of my favourite things in the world. I don't know what I would without music so the opportunity to be in a musical and to be one of the main roles was like the opportunity of the lifetime.  

Finally, after what seemed like a lifetime the bell rang. I quickly rushed out to where my friends were waiting for me.  

"OMG! Have you seen Ryan Gosling in his latest film, Ray?" my best friend Lily said to me.  

"Yeah! Crazy, Stupid Love right or Ides of March?" I said quickly in response to her. "I need to go. I've got practice for Oklahoma remember?" 

"Oh yeah. See you later. We'll go shopping after you've finished." She said excitedly. I turned towards the auditorium and quickly walked over. I walked through the entrance, sat down next to Lachlan who was to be Curly McLain and plonked my bag on the seat next to me. I grabbed my iPod out of my bag to listen to One Direction but them Ms McKlain walked in so I put it away.  

"We've got a special guest today. He's going to give us some lessons on singing. Please give Harry Styles a warm welcome students. As most of you know, Harry is from the famous UK boy band One Direction." Ms McKlain said. As she said that, being the fan girl I am, my jaw dropped. I was actually going to meet THE Harry Styles. As soon as my jaw literally dropped, he walked in and I'm pretty sure my jaw dropped even more although I didn't know that was possible.  

"Um. Hi everyone. I'm Harry Styles and I guess I'm here to give you singing lessons." He said. "So can everyone please lie on the ground? By doing this, you're relaxed so this makes singing easier. Of course you can't lie down in the middle of your musical but this should help you relax beforehand at least." He continued. I quickly followed his instruction and lay down on the ground.  

"Now can you guys start singing happy birthday," he said while looking at us from where he was standing.  

"Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you." We sang. "Happy birthday to umm." We stopped. 

"Oh! Does anyone have a birthday soon?" Harry asked.  

"Mine's April 18th." I said uncertainly 

"Ok. What's your name?" He asked. 

"I'm Rachel." I said quietly. 

"That's a beautiful name." He said to me. I could feel my face turn red. "Everyone, we're going to sing happy birthday to Rachel." 

"Happy birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear Rachel. Happy Birthday to you." We sang once again. 

"Now, did that feel easier? You should at least feel a bit more relaxed which should make your singing come more easily." He said. "Now everyone get up. I want to hear you sing separately." We all got up, dusted ourselves off and stood in front of him.  

"Can you please sing twinkle twinkle little star." Harry said to Lachlan. He started to sing.  

"That's great except you have to stop throwing away the last notes of each line. You're singing like this." And he started singing. I swear my heart literally stopped. He sounded so good. "But you should be singing like this." He continued singing except this time his voice sounded even more magical than it did before. Harry moved on to me.  

"Rachel, can you please sing Mary had a little lamb?" I started singing.  

"You have an amazing voice. It's great. I don't think I have any tips for you except keep up the good work." He smiled at me. My face turned a beetroot red and I quickly tried to hide it behind my long dark brown hair. He continued down the line.  

"Ok. You all sound great now." He said when he finished.  

"You can all go now." Ms McKlain said to us. I turned around to grab my bag.  

"Rachel!" I heard someone say. I turned around to see Harry coming towards me. "You we're great back there. How about we go grab a drink and you could give me some tips on singing." He said. I laughed with him.  

"Sorry. I already said I would go shopping with my friend." I said. Damn it, I thought to myself.  

"Ok. How about you give me your number and I'll give you a call and we can plan another day to have these singing lessons." He said to me.  

"Um. Ok sure." I said, then recited my number and then he gave me his. "I've got to go. But I'll see you later ok?"  

"Sure." He said happily. I started to walk away. "Wait! Rachel." I turned around once again and as soon as I did Harry kissed me and I swear it felt like I was in paradise.  

"I'm sorry. I just had to do that. You have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. I've never seen such beautiful eyes and the changing colour thing makes them even more beautiful" He said after he kissed me.  

"Um. Thanks I guess." I said breathless from the kiss and my face dark red from both the kiss and the compliment. .  

"I'll call you tonight. Bye." He said. He kissed me again and then I walked towards the exit. 

I walked over to where Lily was waiting.  

"What took you so long?" she asked me sounding a tiny bit frustrated. 

"I just met the most amazing guy in the world and he kissed me." I said dreamingly.  

"Who, Ryan Gosling?" she said. 

"No. Harry Styles."  


"Yes! And he kissed me!" I said, still in la la land. I couldn't get over the fact that he'd chose me over so many other girls. He could probably have any girl in the world and he chose me. I love my life and I love Harry Styles.

Hope you like it rachel :)

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