One Direction One Shots :) CLOSED

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I will probably not be writing any more one shots for a while cause i've got several other things i need to focus on like school and my other stories however if i have time i might upload one or two! 

WARNING: you an still request however doesn't necessarily mean that i'll write it because as i said above, there's other things i need to focus on. Hope you understand

Hey guys! 

So after reading sooooo many one shots, i decided i wanted to try writing some. Just a warning, i still have a couple to do so I'm sorry if i upload your one shot later than you expect. It'll be uploaded just maybe not too soon.

Anyways, if you want one please comment/message me the following information:

- Name

- Age

- Birthday

- Personality

- Appearance

- Likes/Dislikes

- And of course the most important thing - Your Fav 1D Boy

- Plot/ Setting 

- Any other random info you want in the one shot. 

I will try and get them done asap for you guys.

Thank you, Rebecca 

P.S. It would be totally great if you could also read the other one shots and let me know what you think. 

One Direction One Shots :) PERMANENTLY CLOSEDWhere stories live. Discover now