Kayla and Niall :)

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Kayla's POV 

"Oh My Goodness! There's going to be a One Direction concert in two weeks and guess who just won backstage tickets!" my friend Lucy screamed. 

"Who, you?" I said in a jealous tone. 

"YES!!! And I won two and I'm allowed to bring anyone along with me and guess who I'm bringing." She said.  

"Please be me. Please be me." I said. 

"Well duh! Who else is a One Direction fanatic as much as the super excited puppy over here?" She said. 

"Yes!!! Thank you so much." I screamed. I was going to meet One Direction. The leprechaun was my favourite also known as Niall Horan, the nandos loving blonde head One Direction Boy. Lucy seemed to like Liam. 

Two Weeks Later 

The day was finally here. The day of the One Direction concert. I quickly dressed in to my nicest clothes, pulled my brown and red hair into a high ponytail and applied some make up. I raced down the stairs and just as I reached the last step I heard the doorbell ring. I quickly ran over the door, opened it and screamed. 

"We're going to meet One Direction. We're going to meet One Direction." I sang over and over again as we got into Lucy's dad's car. We quickly drove over to the place where the concert was to be held. We collected our tickets and before going in Lucy took a picture of me with the ticket and I took one of her. We showed our ticket to the bodyguards standing at the gate and they led us over to the door leading backstage. 

They went through a couple of rules then finally let us through. There sitting on a leather couch was One Direction. Lucy and I just stopped and stared. We were actually only a metre or so away from One Direction.  

"OH my goodness! You're one direction!" I said stupidly. I mentally slapped myself for being such an idiot. Nice one Kayla, I said to myself. Way to make yourself look like an idiot.  

"haha. Yeah I guess we are." Niall said.  

Niall's POV 

There we were sitting, waiting for the two mysterious girls who won tickets to see us backstage. All of a sudden I heard the door open and in walked the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Her hair was tied up in ponytail exposing her soft neck. She was wearing just the right amount of makeup to make her green eyes pop out.  

"Oh my goodness! You're one direction!" She said.  

"Haha. Yeah I guess we are." I laughed. "Well, I guess it would be good to know your names. You already know ours so what are your names?" 

"I'm Kayla and this is Lucy." She said. I came over to them and shook their hands. Kayla's hand seemed so tiny and fragile but yet it seemed to fit perfectly in my hand. 

Kayla's POV 

I loved the way his hand felt shaking mine. I was still shaking from the fact that we were actually meeting One Direction. The rest of the band hadn't talked that much. I saw Lucy make her way boldly over towards Liam.  

"So what do you like to do?" Niall said. I turned back to face him. 

"Well I love to dance. I believe I can sing but people say I can't sing." I said. 

"I don't think that's true. Someone as beautiful as you can't not sing." He said.  

"Um... Thanks." I said awkwardly. Suddenly, their bodyguards came in to tell them that they had 5 minutes to go until their concert. 

"Kayla, when I'm on stage, I won't be singing for the fans or even for myself. I'll be singing for you." He said. 

"Here's my number. Call me tomorrow." He said as he grabbed my hand and wrote his number on it followed by a love heart.  

The boys made their way onstage while Lucy and I stayed in the wings. As they made their way through the songs, they finally stopped at a song.  

"I'd like to dedicate this song to Kayla because you've got that one thing." Niall said.  

"Get out, get out, get out of my head and fall into my arms instead. I don't I don't don't know what it is but I need that one thing and you've got that one thing" Niall sang and as he sang that he pointed straight at me.

Hope You Like It Kayla :)

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