Ava and Harry :)

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Ava's POV

"Ava! You ready to go? We need to get to the airport in 20 minutes!" my mum shouted from the bottom of the stairs. I quickly grabbed my bag and my jacket then ran out to the awaiting car.

"Ok! I'm here! We can leave!" I said,

"You know, the whole world doesn't revolve around you, right Ava?" my mum said jokingly. We were going to America for the summer holidays. I lived in England but I was going to America just for a month or so. We hurriedly checked in then got on the plane when it was time to. Finally we got to America, after what felt like forever! We quickly got off the plane and grabbed a taxi to our rental apartment. When we got there, I dumped my bag in my room then ran back to where my parents were resting on the couch.

"Mum! Can I go to Milkshake City?" I asked her. There was apparently a Milkshake City near our rental house and I love milkshakes so I really wanted to go.

"Yeah, whatever." she said, exhausted. I grabbed some money then walked over there. There was a huge crowd gathered around the door. I pushed through the crowd and rolled my eyes at what I saw. There was One Direction drinking milkshakes. Now you're probably wondering why I rolled my eyes. I used to love One Direction but after they went to America, they seemed to get more attached to their American fans so I got put off by the fact that even though they're from England (and Ireland), they seem to like their American fans more!

Anyways, I pushed my way through the crowd and went to the counter.

"Can I have one caramel milkshake please?" I asked the person at the counter. She typed it in then looked up. 

"So you're not here just to see One Direction?" She asked me.

"Nuh. Not really a huge fan of theirs." I said. I looked over at Harry to see his face had fallen from his cheery, smiley face that he'd just had.

"Here you go." the lady said, handing me my milkshake.

"Thanks." I said taking it from her.

"Can I have a sip?" I heard someone say. I turned around to see Harry Styles talking to me.

"Um. Sure I guess." I said, offering him my milkshake to drink. He carefully took a sip then looked thoughtfully at me.

"You have great taste in milkshake flavours." he complimented me.

"Um. Thanks." I said.

"So, what's your name, beautiful?" He asked me.

"Ava." I said responded dismissively.

"So you're not a fan of us?" he asked me. I blushed knowing he'd heard the conversation.

"I used to be but then you seemed to be more attached to your American directioners so I kind of got put off you guys."

"This may sound cliché but we never stopped loving you. If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't even be in this position." He said.

"Prove it." I said.

"Ok. You. Me. Here. Tomorrow. 12:30 and I'll prove to you that we still love our British directioners... especially you." he said winking flirtatiously at me.

"Bring it on, Styles." I said jokingly while blushing furiously. Looks like I was back to being a crazy directioners... but I have absolutely no regrets.

Hope you like it, Ava. Sorry for the massive long wait!!!! 

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