76. Hundred hearts are lesser to carry my love for you...

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Aaliya: Oh god Madhu di... Stop pulling our legs... We were just talking some random stuffs... We know na ajju that the duo standing opposite to us is flying for a long time...

Arjun: Yeah... Yeah.. of course... Madhu di... Why am I sensing something cooking between you and My darling bro RK??? Tell me na what's going on...

Rk: Ajju... 😡😡😡😡.. Don't you know we are best friends ...

Aaliya: Haan haan best friends???? Don't say you are like me and ajju ... Okay okay...  Relax Rk... Leave this... Where is pragya di???? We have not seen her today.... Is she too much busy??? We can't have a glimpse of her...

Rk: Oh god... Madhu come, let's go soon before this lolly rip us into pieces... You won't believe us ajju and aalu... This lolly is troubling us too much today...

This girl is getting on to our nerves and checking every single thing in the arrangements and finding faults unnecessarily... God... Im really tired because of this lolly ..

Madhu: Haan.... She is making arrangements as if a wife is taking care of everything to impress her husband... Huh... Too much guys... We will leave soon or else lolly will kill us for sure...

Even I too idolize and admire the great businessman Abhishek Mehra... But this lolly is doing too much... Huh... She didn't talk well with Abhishek sir when we met him but now she is showing all sort of tantrums and getting on to our nerves.... Okay guys .. We take a leave.... Bye...

Madhu and Rk rushes while Arjun and aaliya bursts out into laughter knowing well why pragya is doing all sort of stunts.... Aaliya is happily expressing to arjun that her abhi bhai is lucky to get a wife like pragya and conveys to arjun that she also want to be like pragya in loving her husband....

Arjun is feeling out of the world and thinking that aaliya is talking about their relationship only... He smiles and side hugs aaliya... A boy came and called arjun that a professor is calling him... Arjun excuses and rushes to meet the professor....

Aaliya is smiling happily and moves to her class... All of a sudden, she is being forcefully dragged in an empty corridor... Aaliya frowns to see sid dragging her from there not minding her protest too...

Aaliya: Leave me sid... What the hell is your problem... Why are you troubling me again and again??? Don't trouble me like this sid... Allow me to live peacefully....

Sid: Spare me five minutes aaliya... I need to talk to you...

Aaliya: There is nothing to talk between us... You are this college chairman... That's all .. You can't force a girl like this... I will shout, if you do anything bad with me...

Sid loosens his grip on aaliya and kneels down with a crying face: Why are you doing this to me aaliya??? Please forgive me... What I have done with you is absolutely wrong... I just want you to accept my apology and forgive me for the sin I did to you...

Don't avoid me aaliya.. You are not talking to me and you are not even looking at me too... 😭😭😭😭😭... Am I that much bad???? Please aaliya try to understand me... I'm really sorry for doing all these...

Aaliya sighs: Please sid... Don't trouble me... I can't forget and forgive you so easily... You have thought me as characterless and I couldn't understand why are you running behind me out of nowhere...

Please sid... I don't want to create any scene here... Don't trouble me please... Give some time to me... Prove me that you are worth to be forgiven...

Sid: This is enough for me aaliya... I will prove you that I'm not a wrong person... I will win you trust again aaliya... (Pov. Will soon make you to love me too aaliya... You are mine and I won't let anyone to snatch you away from me)...

LOVING HUSBAND - Abhigya FF By CrazyMahizOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant