Chapter Twenty-Seven: Faint

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We had gotten to the door of the Pledis building where there was an army of reporters, lunars, solars, and paparazzi. They were all shoving microphones and tape recorders in my face to the point where it was suffocating.

"Are you dating Moonbin or Vernon?!"

"Are you two-timing Vernon?!"

"Was there an actual kiss at the airport last week?!"

"Which one are you dating?!"

They all shouted their questions. I chose to say nothing, due to my first incident at the hospital. I didn't want them to assume anything bad, so I just kept my head low and rushed to the Pledis building doors.

By the time we all stepped inside manager-min started to give orders already.

"Alright I want you girls to help unpack and then practice for the up-coming comeback."

We all groan in response.

"Oh, and Y/n."


"We'll change your diet to a safer one after the collaboration."

"Okay." I reply, as I turn around abruptly. I jog to my members as they're already ahead of me, ready to turn the corner. "Hey! Wait up."

"Yah, hurry up." Jin Yeom rushes, while holding the elevator door open.

By the time I get there, I'm already out of breath.

"What? You're out of breath already? Aren't you idol-fit?" Je Yoon questions, in a shocked manner.

"Yeah. I was. Gon'na. Ask. Myself. The same. Thing" I gasp, exhausted. "Must've. Been the. Diet. I guess."

"Y/n, you have to eat something." Ji Mi urges.

I finally catch my breath. "I have to stick with the company. Besides, I'll be on a less brutal diet after the performance."

"Okay." Ji Mi says, unconvinced.

They help me unpack and we get ready to practice. While walking to dance room twelve, I pass by the lounge where I hear someone watching the news.

"Good afternoon viewers, today we were greeted with Eclipse's Y/n and Y/n was greeted by her members. The question of Moonbin's and Y/n's kiss is still unconfirmed along with who Y/n is with. For just as quickly she arrived, she left the airport the same way. This Kim Ji Yeon, from KBS."

I hear an irritated groan right after the male voice switched the television off. 'Damn what're they so devastated about? They said it was unconfirmed.' I hear footsteps approach the door, but instead of running I freeze in my tracks like a deer in headlights. The door creaks open and I see Vernon, towering over me, stiff shoulders, purple eye, and a stoic expression.

"Hi." He greets, calmly and monotonously.

"Hi." I reply back, taken back. I've never seen this side of Vernon. He seems so colorless, dull.

He slides past me presumably heading to the recording studio. 'Wow, what'a insipid conversation that was. If it's even considered a conversation.'

I scurry to dance room twelve to where all of Eclipse is there.

"Yah you're late." Eun Ae scolds.

"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry. Let's work hard." I prompt her.

Eun Ae has us rest earlier, since we've got an early a** dance practice at Fantagio. I walk out dead-tired. My feet dragging in the floor, head heavy, barely keeping balance. How the h*ll am I hon'na make it through the next dance practice.
"BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!" I smash the alarm clock. It's five in the morning. I barely remember the rest of the morning, since I was pretty much half asleep the whole time getting dressed. Before I knew it we were in the Fantagio dance studio.

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