Chapter Sixteen: Realization

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Vernon POV

'Why do I feel so protective of her? It's not like a friendly protection.' I sigh as I plop down on my bed. 'Why was I so angry at her? She hasn't done anything that bad.' I close my eyes, regretful.

"Vernon, if you're trying to find an answer to my question, it's not that difficult. We've been telling you this. Repeatedly." Seungkwan interrupts my thoughts.

"Hyung, I don't like her."


'I'm sure it's not that. Although sometimes when she lightly touches my hand or when I talk to her, my ears turn hot and my heart beats fast.' I got my phone and googoled it. It read that I might be have...

"HEART ATTACK!" I yell out in fear. "Hyung! Check if I have a heart attack. Please. I don't wanna die!!!"

"Vernon-Ah stop panicking. I'm sure its nothing."

"No! Check me, now. I want to live to protect Y/n!" It takes me a second to realize what I just said. "F***"


"No. I don't-"

"You so like her!" He says while jumping around.

"It was an accident."

"Yeah, right. Oh my gosh! My theory works!"

"OUR THEORY!" DK shouts from the other room.

"Anyways, I'm not a doctor or anything, but I don't think it's heart attack you're experiencing. I think, no I know you're in love with Y/n."

"Alright you win." I surrender.

"So, tell me, what do you like about Y/n?"

"Well she has gorgeous hair and the most luscious lips. A voice of an angel, even when she's singing badly. An open yet hidden personality. Her beautiful grin when she's reading books. Her cute quirks, like when she places a stand of hair behind her ear when she wants something. And most importantly, her sarcastic, witty, snarky remarks."

"Wow. You've really had yourself bundled up, huh?"

"Yeah." I scratch the back of my neck.

"So." I moved the conversation along. "When you gonna confess?"

"What! I can't do that! I just realized I have feelings for her and now you want me to confess?"

"I'm just asking. After all Moonbin's probably going to confess before you. He is more confident than you. At least tell your planning to confess later in the future?"

"Of course, I am. Just not yet. I want to play it cool." I say.

"Well that's going to be difficult when you have the reddest ears here."

"I do?" I touch my ears immediately.

"And just slammed the door in her face."

"Oh sh*t I did. I gotta go apologize to her before its too late."

I run out the door and see Y/n in the kitchen on a phone call I wait silently for her call to be over. I see her expression become melancholy. Her eyes start to form tear drops. 'Oh no. What's happening?"

"Okay well thanks for telling me." She says in a shattered voice. I see her run pass me to the roof entrance, not giving me a single glimpse. I follow her. I open the door and see Y/n on the ground. She's balling her eyes out.


"Vernon. I'm talking to you. Why aren't you paying attention to me?" I furiously asks.

He scoffs and dramatically turn towards me. "Why should I pay attention to you if you aren't even paying attention to me?" He turns back around and slams the door in my face.

I jolt back. I do pay attention to him. Just not as much today, because Moonbin was here. I sigh re-thinking this. 'Moonbin shouldn't mean more to me than Vernon. I should given both equal amounts of attention.'

🎵I just got you messages🎵 (mystic messenger)

B/f/n is calling me.

"Hey what's up 606?"

He/she chuckles weakly. "Y/n I'm feel so sorry that I'm the one that has to tell you this."

"Hmm? Tell me what?"

"Your dad. He um..." He/She trails off.

"What? Just tell me."

"He's no longer with us."

I pause for a great amount of time. "W-what d'you mean?" I can feel my voice start to break.

"I mean you father. Her died in his sleep at the retirement home." I was in complete and utter shock. Everything b/s/t said was in a jumbled blur.

"Y/n......Y/n...... Y/n!" He/she called out.

"Y-yes." I choked out.

"Oh thank god. I thought you died too." He/she said in relief. "Are you going to be able to come to the funeral?"

"Yes. I'll make sure of it."

"Again. I'm so sorry for you loss."

"Okay. Thank you for telling me." I hang up. I can feel a soreness in my throat and my eyes welling up in tears as I think of ways to convince Pledis to let me got to the funeral 'There's noway they're going to let me go. Oh god, inhope no one catches me crying.' I hear a creak of the door. 'Sh*t.'

I run out of the kitchen slamming the door open. I see Vernon on the corner of my eye. I didn't turn my head. I kept on running and sprinting up the stairs to the rooftop. It was pouring rain. I didn't care anymore. The only link to who I was is now gone forever. Break down sobbing as my knees hit the wet floor.


I hear the thunder crackle and door slam at the same time.

"Y/n!" Vernon hollers. He looks around the large rooftop trying to find me crouched up. Eventually he does. He kneels at the same level as me. "Y-y/n what's wrong?" He says softly as he carefully looks into my tearful eyes.

"M-m-m-m-my d-d-d" I hyperventilate.

"Okay, nevermind. Just try to calm down." He comforts soothingly.

He pulls me up to guide me to the overhang. He then sits me down. "Wait here." He runs back inside and comes back out just as quickly slamming the door in urgency.

He puts a warm blanket around me, bundling me up while putting a towel over my head attempting to dry it. Afterwards, he has me wear bulky headphones listening to his favorite songs. He then sits next to me and pulls me close with his arm around me.

I can start to feel myself get tired and exhausted of crying and sobbing. I start to doze off.

"I'm sorry Y/n. I sorry for being so selfish. I'm sorry for being so angry at you. Im sorry for treating you like this. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I cries delicately.

He pulls me closer to him.

"Thank you."

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