Chapter Twenty-Three: You Don't Deserve Her

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"I want to help him. I want to help him perform onstage. With y/n."

"Okay. I do too, but how?" Eunwoo inquired.

"Well who chose to make him ineligible to perform."

"Our manager."

"Then all we have to do is persuade the manager to put him back."

"Our manager's stubborn."

"All mangers are stubborn." I say in an obvious tone.

"Okay! Ten minute break everyone." The female instructor orders.

"Come on let's go." I urgently tell Eunwoo.

"Where?" He says absolutely confused.

"To your manager's office. Now. This may be the only time we have. After all the performance is just next month."


"Yeah. We only have ten minutes." I say impatiently.

"Okay, okay. It's this way." He grips my wrist and pulls me out of the dance room and head towards our left. We take two rights and he knocks on the second to last door on the right.

"Come in." A deep voice booms over.

We both walk in cautiously.

"Eunwoo? Ji Mi? What're you doing here? Aren't you two supposed to be at dance practice?"

"We're on our break."

"Okay. So? What'd you want to talk about? Y'know I'm busy?"

"We know but if we could have a moment of your time? Please."

He sighs deeply. "Two minutes. Go."

"I don't think you should disqualify Moonbin from the performance because the people, the fans will wonder why Moonbin and Y/n weren't there. Don't you think it'll make them mad. Plus, the crowd will pay their attention to the absence of members, not the appearance of members." I say quickly, trying to get it all within the time.

"Is that so? Well Moonbin has to learn his lesson for creating an uproar."

"It can and will raise publicity for both groups. If you disqualify Moonbin, then it'll make your company look even worse than Moonbin's little scandal." I refute.

He exasperated. "I'll consider it. Now leave. I have work to do and so do you."

"Okay. Thank you for listening. Please think about it." I implore him.

Eunwoo pulls me back and we both go to see in our surprise, we see Moonbin fuming.

Moonbin POV

"Okay! Ten minutes break everyone." One if the dance instructors says.

"Hey girls. You did great today. Where's Ji Mi?"

"I heard that she was going to speak with Astro's manager with Eunwoo." Jin Yeom says.

"Ah okay. Let's all get some water to re-hydrate." They all move somewhere else to get some water.

I see Vernon strutting his way to my crouched up body.

"Yah! Moonbin. You have to stay away from Y/n."

"Well it's not like I have a choice. She is in C/n." I monotonously states.

"That's not what I mean."

"It isn't?" I act dumb. I'm starting to slowly get irritated

"You know it's not and we both know you kissed Y/n at the airport." He snarls at me like some animal.

"Yeah what about it? Do you like her something?" I taunt.

"Pft, as if I'd like her. I love her." He emphasizes.

"Oh yeah?" I get up from my position to stand up to him. "What makes you qualified? Huh?" I threaten.

"I can bring her happiness and adapt to her distress in any form. What about you." He scoffs exaggeratively.

"I can protect her like no one ever would. I'd put my life on the line for her." I say seriously, looking at him dead in the eye. "You don't even deserve her." I push him a little.

"You don't deserve her, you insolent, piece of-"

"Hey!" Eunwoo walks in and shouts.

"Would you two imbeciles quit it out! All of us get out of the room for a few minutes and this is what happens?" Ji Mi-Noona scolds.

"We're sorry." I mumble.

"I'm really disappointed in you two. You both are young adults and yet you act like children fighting over a toy!" Ji Mi scowls. "Y/n is NOT a toy."

We both face to our feet in shame. 'Jeez, we were really stingy.'

"Noona?" Moonbin asks.

"What?" Ji Mi responds in a harsh tone.

"Can you please not tell Y/n about this?"

"Fine. But if you hurt Y/n, I swear, none of you will even get close to her, period. Understood?" She growls in a lethal tone.

"Yes, ma'am." We both say in unison with fear in our voices.

"Vernon, leave. I have to speak to Moonbin." I turn to Eunwoo. "Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid."

Eunwoo leaves. "What did you have to speak with me about?"

"I talked to you're manager and he'd say that he would reconsider you suspension of the performance."

"Really?" I say excitedly.

"Yeah, Eunwoo and I just talked to him about it."

"Why would you want help me? You barely even know me?"

"Because... I, ship you and Y/n." She says embarrassingly.

"Oh, you're a fan girl?"

"Yeah." She chuckles awkwardly.

~Time Skip To When Practice Is Over~

"Bin-ie, manager-nim wants to see you in his office." Jinjin informs.

"Ah, okay."

I head over to his office nervous. What did I do this time? I open the door and see him exhausted.

"You wanted to see me?"

"Yes. It's about the collaborative performance next month."

I stay silent. My hands become sweaty from the anticipation of his statement.

"You will..."

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