Chapter Four: Cool Hacker Friend

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"It's Joshua."

"Oh. Come in." He opens the door and walks to my bedside. "What brings you here so early?"

"If you're going to be a trainee/idol then you're going to have to learn how to read, write, and speak Korean." He informs.

"I assume you're going to teach me right?"


~Time Skip (when you've learned basic Korean)~

"Thank you" I say.

"Yeah, no problem." He sighs "I assume you've heard the news about the whole-"

"Yeah, I have. Umm do you think it's bad?"

"Overall, no; but at the time yes, I think it's bad because Vernon is going to lose most of his fans which means Seventeen might lose some fans as well."

"How can I fix this?" I ask. There's a long pause from Joshua.

"Well, for now I can't think of anything. For the time being, just stay put."

There's two hard knocks on my door.

"Who is it?"


"Come in." By now it's noon.

"How do you know Korean?"

I gesture to Joshua.

"Oh, okay then. Umm Joshua, can you leave us alone, I need to talk to her privately."

"Oh uh, alright. Y/n if anything happens just holler."

"Thanks, hyung."

Joshua leaves the room.

"So what did you want to talk about?"

"I don't want you having deep conversations with Vernon."

"What? Why?"

"Because if you continue, then you'll start to create feeling for him and that would lead on to another scandal."

"What?! We're only friends. It's not like we're going to fall for each other."

"Well I don't care. It's bound to happen. And I don't want you talking to Vernon about anything that has to do with your past life." Hoshi answers quickly.

"Fine." I sigh. The doctor walks in.

"Y/n you'll be discharge in an hour. You just have to sign this forms. After you're done just call me over." She informs.

"Alright. Thank you."

She then walks out.

"You need help signing those?" Hoshi offers.

"No, I've been to a hospital before."

"No, I mean with the Hangul."

"Well still, no. But I do need help with something else."

"And what might that be?"

"I need you to get some new clothes for me."

Hoshi blushes "Even the under garments?"

"Yeah. If you're really that uncomfortable, then just have one of the female staff get it then."

"Okay. I just need to know your size."

"For tops it's T/s (top size) and for bottoms, it's B/s (bottoms size)."

"Okay thanks in advance."

Hoshi grabs the doorknob, only to be pushed back when Joshua decides to open the door.

"Y/n, I got a phone for you?" Joshua exclaims.


I chuckle at the sudden topple. Hoshi goes out to do an errand and Joshua gives me a brand new phone.

"Thanks Josh."


"Oh, should I not call you that?" I say concerned.

"No no no it's fine. It's just it been a while since someone's called me that."

"Oh okay." I input all of my information in the phone and call my friends.

"Hi b/f/n (best friend's name)!"

"Oh my god y/n! Where have you been? We've been trying to look for you for so long."

"You won't believe it but I'm in Korea and I'm going to be an idol under Pledis."

There was an extremely long pause. "No you're not. You're lying."

"I can take a picture with Joshua if you don't believe me."

"Have a video of him saying 'nice to finally meet you, b/f/n'" She/he says.

"Okay. Give me a sec."

I face my phone down on my shoulder and look at Joshua who seems to be confused.

"Joshua, can you look into the camera and say 'nice to finally meet you b/f/n' in English'?"

"Sure, but why?"

"Because my friend doesn't believe that I'm in Korea and is going to be a trainee." I reply.

Joshua does the video and and adds on " and Y/n is going to become an idol."

I send it to b/f/n and she fangirls, practically screaming on the phone.

"Okay, now calm down." I say.

"How did your even get there?"

"Uhhh well, I commented on one of Seventeen's Vlives and I just sort of ended up there."

"Is there some kind of malfunction or something? Can it happen to anyone? Can it happen to me?"

"I'm not really sure about how I physically got here, but hopefully I can find out soon."

"Same. I have faith in you.I'll do some research about it, since y'know I'm good with hacking and all" she/ he says cockily.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. But in all honesty, it means so much to me."

"Yep, Well see'ya later!"

"Bye." I say, ending the call. I start signing my paper to discharge me. "So, where's Vernon? He said he'd come back."

"Oh, our manger said for him not to go. It would swell up the scandal."

"Ah, I see." I nod my head in understanding.

"He seemed pretty angry when manager-nim said that."

"Hmm I suspected that. Umm can you call in Dr. Lee Hyo Jin, so I can give my papers to her?"

"Yeah, no problem." Joshua responds. He walks out of my room. I look out the window and see so many reporters, Karats, and paparazzi at the entrance of the hospital. I become frightened of Seventeen's reputation since it's because of myself.

Dr. Lee Hyo Jin walks in. "Alright, Y/n I'm just going to run some diagnostics on you and then you're free to go."

"Okay, thank you."

Hoshi barges in "Y/n I got clothes for you!"

"Sir, please wait outside."

"Ah, Yes ma'am." He bows and leaves.

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