Chapter Fifteen: A Kiss!

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Hai! I'm really sorry for the long wait. I was really sick 😷. I couldn't write for sometime. Hopefully this chapter is good enough.


"Hey, open the door. I'm here." Moonbin texted me. I wake up to see that it was 5:47 a.m.

I headed downstairs and opened the door to see Moonbin with a bright smile, towering over me. "Hey, I see you're super early." I yawn.

He chuckles. "Yeah. I just didn't want the paparazzi to be suspicious. Plus, I couldn't sleep. I kept on thinking of what happened last night."

"I understand. I would've done the same." I agreed. We both stand there facing each other for an awkwardly long time.

"Can I come in?" He asks, snapping me out of my trance.

"Oh! Yeah. Come on in."

I guide him towards the lounge, where he places the gimbap.

"So, Y/n. What's wrong?"

I sighed. "When we stopped talking, my foster family started to take advantage of all of the time I had not writing to you, to hit me." Moonbin was taken back in shock. "I got rescued by an adoption agent at the mall. She knew me since I called the agency all the time. She took me right then and there. I was fifteen at the time."

Moonbin pauses to take all of this in. "Why didn't you tell me about this? Or write to me about this?!" He angrily asks.

"You were the one that said for us not to talk again. Now would you quiet down. People are still sleeping" I calm him down "And besides, what could have you done. You were all the way over at Korea."

He huffs out while eating his gimbap. He thinks this situation through. "Look, Y/n, I'm really sorry about what happen to you. I really am. I didn't think it would turn out like that when we loss touch. I'm sorry for the way things turned out for you."

I take a bite from my gimbap. "It fine, I guess. I'm glad that you took seriously and not as joke or something."

"Well I did say that I'd keep my word, didn't I." He asks rhetorically.

After our resolution we are joked around about our past letters. There's was this one period of time where we had had a seven letter conversation about how funny farts were. Moonbin and I laughed a bit too loudly.

Vernon POV

I had woken up to the great laughter of Y/n. I was about to got to sleep until I heard someone else's laugh. It was man.

I rushed to the lounge to see who it was, if she was in danger.

I turned the corner and saw Y/n sitting closely with some guy. I only saw the back of his head. 'Since when did Y/n bring guests?'

"What's going on here?" My voice booms over.

"Hmm? Oh, Vernon. Did we wake you up? We didn't mean to. We'll try to be quieter." Y/n says compassionately.

"It's fine. I'm already awake and so I ask again, what's going on here?"

"We were just joking around about our old past." Moonbin informs.

I nodded and sat on the other side of Y/n. We then talked about idol life and Moonbin was still making her laugh with inside jokes I didn't understand. I was starting to feel left out in which it was then replaced with loathe towards Moonbin for stealing all Y/n's attention. So I tried to steal it back by pathetically asking for her bibimbap, but Moonbin gave me his instead. 'Jeez, talk about a plan backfiring.'

"I'll go throw these gimbap wrappers away." Moonbin volunteers.

'Finally! I get to talk to Y/n.' "Y/n. Why even waste time hanging out with Moonbin? I mean, aren't you going to see him again in a few days?"

"Yeah, I am. And Vernon I'm low-key offended that you would think that I'm wasting my time with an old friend."

"Old friend?"

"Yeah. We were pen pals when we were younger."

"Well either way, your still going to meet up with him at practice."

"Whatever, I'd like to reunite again from seven years. Beside, why do you care?"

I can feel my ears turn red immediately. My hands are sweaty all over again. "N-no reas-son." I look away, avoiding eye-contact.

"Right." She says unconvinced.

"Hey guys, I'm back. Honestly, I was so lost in the kitchen." Moonbin chuckles about it.

"So, Moonbin. How popular are you?"

"Well Astro has over ten thousand fans so-"

"No I'm talking about how popular are you out of your little group?" I interrupted.

"Oh well, I don't know I don't keep track."

"I'm sure I'm much more famous than you." I mumbled.

Y/n apparently heard me and shoved me. "Would you knock it off?" She harshly whispers to me.

We continued talking till 9:25 a.m. Fantagio had called Moonbin to go back to the company building. They said them at they were sending their van to pick him up.

Before he left we were at the door way and he had hugged her and purposely looked at me cockily in the eye! Y/n had opened the door for him and we were about to close the door until,

"Wait I forgot something!" Moonbin hollered.

He ran back and gave Y/n a quick kiss awfully close to her lips! I can't believe he did that. Is he just trying to piss me off? Y/n finally closed the door.

Y/n gasps. "I can't believe Moonbin just kissed me. What does this mean?" She asks looking at me.

I stay irritably silent. 'She can be so dense sometimes.' I walk away from her in fury. I'm already outraged by Moonbin and it's only 9:40 in the morning.

"Vernon. Why are you being to full of yourself lately? You're not usually that egotistical."

I remain silent and walking back to my room.

"Vernon. I'm talking to you. Why aren't you paying attention to me?" She furiously asks.

I scoff and dramatically turn towards her. "Why should I pay attention to you if you aren't even paying attention to me?" I turn back around and slam the door.

"Yah, don't break the door down. I'm sleeping and so is everyone else." Seungkwan tiredly yawns. "What wrong?"

"Moonbin is such a bastard. I feel so furious towards him because he not only stole Y/n's attention, but he also basically kissed her on the lips! I mean who does he think he is?!"

"Vernon-Ah, stop shouting. Your being too loud. Besides, you should feel excited for her. She just debuted and shes already a bombshell." Seungkwan pointed out. "Why are you so jealous? Do you like her or something?"

"What?! No! She's just a friend." I scoff. "I'm jealous."

"If you really feel that she is your friend, why're you so angry about some guy she talks to? You're not the only one Y/n talks to y'know? Now," He yawns again. "Go and think about that, Vernon-ie.

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