Chapter 1

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Zoe Lopez

March 2014

I was sitting on my bed, throwing a small ball at the wall and catching it, repeating. This was my idea of entertainment. I had nothing else to do though, I hate leaving my room. I am now thirteen. I still have Brittney and Tyler's phone numbers. I haven't been adopted since that incident when I was eleven. Nobody wants a girl with a horrible past. I feel like they just think people like me want pity, and we are evil. That is basically how I feel. 

We each got our own room, but they were pretty small. I decorated my room with old pictures. I have a lot from when I was a baby through age four, and a lot with Brittney. I have quite a few with Tyler too. I wonder what he looks like now, he would be sixteen. 

I sighed as I looked at one picture with my mom. She was beautiful. Curly blonde hair and bright blue eyes, skinny. I have my dad's face and features. He was really handsome, with brown hair styled up in a small quiff and piercing blue eyes as my mom. With both of their genetics, my eyes are extremely blue. You could tell from when I was born that they were blue. They used to be a bright, vivid blue, but they have turned into a dull blue. They are still extremely blue though. It still confuses me today how I look nothing like my mom.

I angrily threw the ball at the wall, catching it as it came back at me fast. They shouldn't have died. That is extreme bull. They deserved a life, they were so young, both of them twenty-three when they died. I hate drunk drivers because that is who killed my parents. The guy was swerving everywhere and caused my parents to try to escape him. Apparently their car flipped and they were killed shortly after impact at the hospital. The drunk driver was supposedly seventeen and underage drinking, so he did get an expensive ticket to pay.

"Zoe? Can I come in?" I heard my best friend knocking on my door, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Whatever pleases you." I said, rolling my eyes. 

She opened the door and came in. My best friend for about one year now, Zoe Leaver. We have the same name, but she likes being called Eva, so it isn't confusing. No, she is not in the adoption center, she is my friend from school. I stopped going a few days after school started, but Eva came by everyday to talk to me. I eventually opened up to her and she is the only person I will talk to a lot. We eventually became best friends and I loved her to death. She has brown hair and green eyes, and is really tall and skinny. 

"What did the ball ever do to you?" Eva asked me.

"It is being a ball." I said, slamming it against the wall again and catching it. 

"Oh. Okay then. I think that is its job though." She replied. 

"Well it is a stupid ball." I answered. 

''The ball Tyler gave to you?" She asked me. 

"No. That ball is hidden away." I said, sniffling. 

"Are you crying?" Eva questioned, wrapping me into her arms. 

"I miss them so much." I sobbed into her shoulder. 

This will happen to me. I will break down at random times, especially if I am angry. I also get really bad flashbacks at random times and reoccurring nightmares from what happened to me three years ago. 

I wiped my eyes and sat up, frowning. We just sat there in the silence, while I was trying to calm down. I was failing though. I hate not being able to calm down. It causes me to choke on tears and I hate that feeling because I feel like I'm going to die from lack of air and it doesn't help how my rib will go into extreme pain. 

"It's okay. Breath." Eva said, rubbing my back trying to calm me down. 

"I didn't even really know them! They shouldn't of died this early! They were too young!" I cried out, slamming my head into the pillow, trying to forget what has happened, why I wasn't with them, why I was here.

Eva sighed and walked over to the wall where I placed all of my pictures on it. She stared deeply at Tyler, Brittney, and my mom and dad. She loved looking at the pictures of me with my family. Why? I have no clue, but it's her mind, so, let her do or think whatever she may please.

"You're right Zoe, they didn't deserve to die. How old were they again?" Eva asked me. 

"Twenty-three." I replied. 

"It's not their fault that it was a drunk driver that was on the road. It was his fault. He was underage too! People like him make me sick." Eva replied, her face showing disgust.

"I know. If he hadn't been on the road that day, then they would still be alive. I hate that jerk and he should have been in jail for his whole life!" I said, getting louder and louder until I was screaming. 

I threw the ball back at the wall, catching it and throwing it on the ground. I'm done with that for now. I just wish I had a Mom and Dad that would hold me at moments like this, but no, they're dead! Drunk drivers need to go somewhere else, and stop ruining the lives of people. 

Once I finally calmed down, I remembered the books that Eva loaned me last week. It was Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay. They were really good books and I'm craving more that are like that. 

"Oh, here are your books." I said, handing her the books she loaned me. 

"Thank you. I have one for you this week. You will probably want to reread it over and over again so that's why it's only one." She said, handing me a new book with a blue cover and a black cloud with a white one under it. 

"The Fault in our Stars." I read, looking at it. 

"It is honestly the greatest book of all time." Eva spoke, smiling. 

"I guess I will have to read it then." I answered. 

"You shall. I have to go now though, I'll see you tomorrow!" Eva exclaimed, looking down at her phone. 

"Alright. Bye." I said, giving her a hug. 

"Bye." She replied, walking out of the room. 

I was alone now. I guess I should start on the new book that Eva loaned me. I opened it up and started reading it, getting lost into the book.

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