The departures!!!

Start from the beginning

"I cant, actually I wanted to tell you something," Adi said, many times these words were something that would have given any girl a heart attack, but now that she knew him very well she was way too calm and asked him.

"and what would that be?"

"I am going to Chennai, the talk was there going on at home from time and time but now dad had finally said that we would be going, this time it wasn't the discussion but a decision and all I am worried about is..."

The way he trailed off made her smile, the worry and hesitance that was itched on his face made him look cute, but as her eyes followed his, her stomach dropped. The cuteness now that she saw clearly wasn't at all there rather, there stood her broken friend,

It was very difficult to see him like this, all broken and hopeless, his eyes still stayed on Nevi who danced about with Abhi, a smile on her face, whereas when Akshi looked back at Adi, she could not even think what was it that was supposed to say and do about it.

"Did you tell about this to Nevi?" Akshi asked, her eyes trying to meet his, which only avoided her.

But then who was he hiding from, they were the sailors of the same boat and nothing was there to hide from each other.

The direction towards which this night was now heading to, was not something Akshi had expected to happen at all.

"I don't think so I would ever tell her Akshi, I am going to never come back, and let's face it, we are grown up now, soon college will start do you really think that the plans that we all have made would work? The weekend plans that we had ever made never worked and how could you even think that these every Sunday and Saturday conference calls and video calls would do?"

Akshi couldn't reply anything, with every word that Adi spoke her hopes, her dreams her plans were shattering one by one.

Maybe it was true, a school love, school friendship, the days were always meant to be missed, they were always a was and never an is.

The thought made her shudder.

"I cant just make her have hopes and then find her all broken, it would be better to have her as my friend than a –"

He couldn't complete his sentence as if saying those words would have killed him.

But then as slowly the words began to sink into her mind she was about to console him, but she found herself being twirled around and then landed into the warm hands.

The mere touch of his made her all senses wide awake. It was as if his only touch and presence were enough for her to know who it was.

This was stupid, many times she thought that, but then may things were stupid and unbelievable when you were in love.

As Abhi steadied her in his arms, the music turned to a much slower one, and to one of Akshi's favourite "sad song by we the kings". It was as if all her dreams were coming true today.

As the two swayed to the music, and when finally they let their eyes meet, their hearts - now a lot bit calmer filled with unknown happiness.

"hi ' his voice came out in a whisper, as if he meant to say something else but said something else.

But now though he had said something, Akshi's mind and the body weren't in a state to respond to him, it seemed so cliché; none would ever imagine these things are what she was feeling – the same girl who once thought that all these butterflies and mushy things were only for the novels.

Akshi looked closer into his face and with a lot of efforts mustered a smile and said: "hi, I didn't know you could dance so well."

The small chuckle that followed made her swoon on him. Though internally she wanted to gag on whatever she was doing or the way her body and mind were reacting, somewhere she was pleased and wanted to do more of it.

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