Chapter Two- All Aboard.

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A week had passed and the familiar sound of everyone packing their trunks for Hogwarts swarmed the house hearing the occasional... "Bellatrix stop burning my ties! MUM!" and "Regulus stop leaving this around- you're- stop it, pack your trunk!" from Narcissa sorting out hers and Regulus' bag; it's his first year and he's bouncing off of the walls with excitement to see Sirius again, whereas my excitement about going to Hogwarts was quickly turning into nerves.

Mother locked me in my room for the last week until it was time for everyone to return back to school...or in mine and Regulus' case, start entirely.

It's a bit embarrassing that I'm going to be sorted in front of the entire school with a bunch of eleven year olds and Mother was using this fact to try and make me back out of going and start behaving.

Snapping me out of thought, as I was absentmindedly shoving socks into some small compartments in the big, black, leather trunk- Mother walked in "All packed then I see?" she sneered eyeing up my trunk, her hands clenched closely to her chest.

"I think so" I scanned over the content, my heart feeling slightly heavy knowing full well what she was trying to do.

"We're leaving promptly in ten minutes, if you're not downstairs by then we're leaving without you" she huffed seeing how I wasn't backing down. I nodded in response feeling surprised that she didn't try and intimidate me into unpacking like I had thought and went over the checklist of items in my head.

Lastly packing the blank robes, the most expensive kind that are charmed to change colour as soon as you're sorted, I forced the tightly packed trunk closed. I'm surprised I didn't get Andromeda's (my other older sister that was off travelling the world, trying to gain freedom from the family I presume) hand-me-downs.

I was downstairs and ready five minutes early, afraid that my Mother would trick me and leave a little earlier than she had stated to me. Regulus struggled moving his trunk down the stairs, making a mighty thumping noise with each step "Here, let me help Reggie" I mumbled pulling out my wand "Wingardium Leviosa" I clearly said and watched as the boy clung onto the case and was brought down the stairs with it.

He laughed "Thanks Arty!" He chuckled to himself but choked spluttering and looking behind my shoulder.

I spun around on my heels facing my father, Cygnus Black looking down upon me "Artemis." he said so tediously I was already mentally picturing unpacking my bags.

"Yes, Father?" I croaked out, my voice slightly breaking under his cold stare.

"Good luck." He straightened out his snake cufflinks a little too closely to my face.

I was taken back by the comment "Thank you?" the words came out in more of a questioning tone then I had intended.

"However I must warn you-" he started, making my heart plummet into my stomach "Although I do not agree with your Mother's decision to send you to Hogwarts, I do have hope that you won't entirely embarrass our family" he smiled which was almost instantly replaced with a deep frown "but if you do..." he hesitated, patting Regulus on the shoulders making him tense "Consider yourself homeless. You'll no longer be welcome here in this house, keep that in mind" He smiled similar to how Bellatrix does when you catch her hexing the neighbourhood cats. He loosened his grip on Regulus' shoulders "And you boy, I have every faith in you that you will truly do this family proud!" He said more sincerely. Regulus awkwardly smiled and relaxed to his hard grip.

A lump formed thick in my throat...if I don't get into Slytherin I'm kicked out onto the streets?! Should I even risk going to Hogwarts?


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