Fuck This Shit! I'm Out.

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A/N: I would like to thank @valeriecrane @NCT_TEN13 @Unique_High and @RapMonstaUnderMyBed1 for making kick ass stories and imagines. You have inspired me to write this story. With your unique and addictive storytelling. Thank you for being wonderful and awe inspiring authors!!!

"You're seriously believing that lying ass bitch over ME. I can't believe this shit. I gave you 2 1/2 years of my life, of my love, and THIS is what I get?" I shouted with a crop of fresh tears burning down my cheeks. I was too hurt and pissed to care.

I watched the emotions flicker across his eyes. Sadness. Confusion. Anger. For a while he said nothing, just stood there.

Then he exploded.

"How the fuck am I supposed to feel KIKAH! Not only did you cheat on me but now you can't even own up to your shit? I had to hear it from other people. And before you start trying to call out Naeun again, it wasn't just her who told me," he yelled as his eyes began to water.

Looking up at me, he said the one thing I dreaded. His voice was barely above a whisper but it carried a weight so heavy, it knocked the air clear out of my lungs.

"We're over Kikah. She was right about you."

I took a step back as if he had physically slapped me. Drying my eyes, I nodded my head and picked up what was left of my pride.

Turning around, I began to slowly walk away from him but I had to give him one last gut punch. I wanted to make sure the last words I spoke to him would haunt his ass for the rest of his life.

Holding my chin up high, I turned my head back in his direction, making sure I held his gaze as I did.

"It may not be now, or even next year but trust me Taemin, you reap what you sow. You just better hope karma doesn't kick you in the dick," I spoke calmly, with just a hint of haughtiness. Then I resumed making my way out of the studio doors, heels clicking and hips swaying, as I did.

In that moment, I became numb.

My Dad had been right after all. I was such a fool. I left my family. Moved clear across the ocean to be with this man and all I got out of it was losing my virginity to a jackass and a broken heart two years later.

As soon as I made it back to my dorm room, I began to pack my shit. I got about halfway through when there was a knock at my door.

"OPEN the door, Kikah!" Came the irate shouts of the woman on the other side of door.

Sighing, I walked over and unlocked the door. I had no choice. Knowing her, she would not leave until I did.

Immediately, I was pulled into a bone crushing hug. She knew. That meant they all knew what just happened.

I pulled away, suddenly unable to look her in the eyes.

"Kikah," she started softly. "Don't let that jackass chase you away from here. From us."

"I can't do this Irene. I just—" before I could finish, she cut me off.

"Don't let this motherfucker ruin your educational opportunities. You are half-way into your junior year. You leave now and you'll end up being a 5 year grad. Kikah—you've worked too damn hard to pay your way through school and I won't let you fuck that up."

Giving my shoulders a gentle squeeze, Irene continued. "You're just so close to getting your degree—so close to your dreams." She paused and really looked at me.

Sighing, she gave me a defeated hug. She knew my mind was made up and there was no way to change it.

"Make sure you facetime me at least once a week and I'm going to have Amber come by and check on you whenever she's in LA. Okay? At least, promise me you'll finish school—when you're ready."

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