"Min-yeon!" He exclaimed happily as he tried to hug me all of a sudden.

"Woah the fuck? back off dude!" Jin who followed me to the door, hissed when he saw Jimin getting closer to me.

Jimins gaze landed on Jin when he scrunched his nose.

"Who is he?"
He looked back at me.

"That's none of your business."
I said with the most coldest voice ever.

Jimin began to ignore Jin next to me by trying to get close to me again.

He then put his hand around me as he held me in his arms.

I reacted immediately and pushed him off me, "Don't touch me." I demanded while entering the house right after.

I sprinted upstairs just to find Jae sleeping soundly on my bed.

I slowly walked up to him and sat down on the bed beside him. I kissed his forehead, not wanting to wake him up.
"Sleep tight my little prince I'll come and get you."

I said, before I turned and walked over to my closet.

I put everything I needed inside a big black bag which I found as well in my closet.

As I was about to turn around.
I felt two arms wrapped around my waist from behind.

"I missed you."

"Let me go!"
I hissed quietly, trying not to wake Jae.

"I'm sorry.."
He said.

My blood started boiling at his apology as I turned around to face him. Our faces were only inches away from each other since I was still wrapped up in his arms.

"Sorry" I scoffed while I tried to push him away, but as soon as I got him off me he was quick to trap me inside his embrace again.


"Get the fuck off me Jimin! And don't you dare to touch me again!"

I pushed him again, but this time harder.

He stumbled a few steps back before a tear began to roll down his cheek.


"What, huh?!"

"Please stay, don't leave me...again."

"Again? Again! I never fucking left you, you threw me away like I was some kind of garbage.
You never came back! I waited for you! I fucking waited hours for you, years for you! And now you're just gonna say I left you?!"

Jimin gulped at my sudden outburst and stood still where he was.

Tears were threatening to fall from my face, after I said those words. But it was the truth.

"I regret it okay?! I regret every single thing! Do you think it was easy for me?? You disappeared just like that without a word for a whole week. Don't you think you're to blame too! You could've fucking said something-"


I had slapped Jimin with everything that was left of my power. "I could've said something???
Did you let me speak, huh? Did you hear me out? No! You didn't even look at me! The only thing you did was almost killing me because of your fucking 'aggression problems'!"

Suddenly our voices were replaced by a tired and soft voice.

Unfortunately it was Jae who woke up due to my loud voice.

He sat straight up and rubbed his eyes with his tiny small hands. As soon as he placed his hands down, he had a big smile on his face. Knowing it was really me.

"Mommy!!!" He almost fell from the bed as he began to run up to me.

I took him in a tight embrace, never wanting to let go of him again.
As I held him tightly I felt my neck area getting wet.

I pulled back and lifted Jaes face only to see him cry.

"Baby what's wrong?" I asked sincerely concerned.

"I t-thought I'd never see you again!" He cried even louder after saying those words.

"No..what are you talking about." I smiled kindly, trying to calm him, while I picked him up. "I'd never leave you. Remember? didn't I promise you to annoy you all your life?"
I pinched his cheek after these words left my mouth.

Jae began to giggle and hugged me really tight again.

I kissed his head before I turned back to Jimin who just stood there, admiring or despising what's in front of him. I don't know, he had an unreadable expression on his face.

"Min-yeon." He went frustrated with a hand through his hair "don't leave I beg you."

"Didn't you say wanted me to leave.
I snickered.
"Congratulations Mr. Park your wish has been granted."

And with that I made my way back to Jins car with Jae clinging onto me, scared to lose me again.

Jimin ran outside following me.
"Min-yeon wait!"

But it was to late. I was already in the backseat with Jae sitting on my lap as I saw his figure disappear in the distance.

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