"Of course, they mainly founded the council to ensure that their kind continued to exist. Moderd was a natural born killer who gained the abilities of immortality, no doubt he killed whoever turned him but due to his crimes Vampires were hunted."

I remembered the stories from my teachers, the vampire history was full of blood and gore.

"He was later killed by the human hunters during the Night War," I concluded, making the woman know I knew my history.

"It also led to the formation of The Dragon's Wrath, elite assassins that report to the Vampire Council, they were almost like Dragon Knights to Warlords. I'm sure they didn't teach that to you."


I couldn't help but look at the various eye-catching items in the room.

In the glass, cabinets were various artifacts, weapons, medallions, and others. It was like we were in a museum, I knew that more than half of the things here were of magical origins. I could practically feel the mana from the objects.

Who is she?

"Captivated I'm sure." The woman smirked as she took a seat on a large armchair made of...

Leopard skin?

"You aren't the first collector I've come across" I responded confidently.

The woman cackled as she drummed her fingers on the chair "You are full of fire aren't you?"

"I like to think so Cruella."

She seemed unbothered by the comment but her tongue quickly smacked her lower lips as she eyed me and I felt naked for some reason.

She sipped from her glass again "Maybe there's a reason you're part of that prophecy that's been making headlines."


"You know about it?" I said trying to hide the quaver in my voice.

"Of course I do" She laughed before suddenly shouting "Wine!"

At once a woman rushed forward holding a metal tray with several wine bottles. She wore rags that had been tattered and had on her hand a symbol of a chain in spirals.

I hadn't even noticed the woman in the dark, was she standing there the entire time?

I could tell by the way the glass on top shook that she was weak, not physically. She had been drained of her magical aura and that symbol on her wrist meant she was a slave.

Not only that but the several cuts on her hands and face further proved my theory.

I couldn't do anything for her even if I wanted to, slavery may have been largely abolished in the human world but not in the magic one.

The woman looked quickly at me before pouring red wine into her master's hand.

"So why did Jon send you here I wonder?" The woman said out loud "What does the great Jon want from a simple collector such as myself?"

"Jon wanted to find out information as well as confirm whether you had the package sent to the Peville's."

"Of course I did, when I'm paid to do something I carry it without fail. I'm Avery the Smuggler for a reason child." She motioned for the slave to stop pouring the wine.

Avery the Smuggler, I'm sure she heard that from a movie.

"Jon also asked me to find information regarding the dark forces specifically Peter."

"Yes, they've been more active than usual. All this talk of another war is giving me headaches. I just wish one side would win already so I can finally relax. I've lost many servants because of this, maybe I should be like that Ronald Viermilla and help both sides."

FRIGHT SCHOOL BOOK 1 (COMPLETE) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now