How You Meet

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Roman Reigns

You had been on the main roster for two years now and you were very close to Jimmy and Jey Uso. It was the night after The Shield debuted when you, Jimmy and Jey were laughing and joking around as all three of you walked into catering and then they saw their cousin Roman Reigns.


Roman looked up as all of you walked over to him.

Jey-''Hey, what's up cousin?''

Roman-''I'm good. How about you guys?''

Jimmy-''We're good. Hey, great debut last night.''


Then Roman noticed you standing beside Jey.

Roman-''Who is this lovely lady?''

Jimmy-''Oh yeah, y'all haven't met yet.''

Then Jey moved you in front of him.

Jey-''Roman, we would like you to meet Y/N.''



You and Roman shook hands and smiled.

Roman-''So, you're the one my cousins have been telling me about.''

You-''They told you about me?''

Roman-''They did.''

You looked over your shoulder at Jimmy and Jey.


Jimmy-''Well, will you look at the time.''

Jey-''Yeah, we gotta go.''

Jimmy and Jey rushed out of catering.

Jimmy and Jey-''Later cousin!!''

They shouted as they left making you and Roman smile at them and you looked back at Roman.

You-''I'm gonna punch them the next time I see them.''

You and Roman laughed.

Seth Rollins

You were a part of the main roster for two and a half years now as you had just watched The Shield's very first interview with Michael Cole and this was eight days after their debut. You left your locker room and headed down the hallway because your match was next and when you rushed around the corner you and Seth almost bumped into each other but you both stopped just in time.


Seth-''No, I'm sorry. I wasn't looking where I was walking.''

You-''And I'm rushing to the ring because my match is next.''

Seth reached out his hand to you.

Seth-''I'm Seth.''

You-''I'm Y/N.''

You and Seth shook hands and smiled at each other.

Seth-''Well, you're probably on your way to the ring, right?''

You-''Yeah. I guess I'll see you again.''

Seth-''I hope so.''

You smiled. Then you walked passed Seth and down the hallway as he looked over his shoulder at you and then you looked over your shoulder at him.

You-''Hey, Seth?!''


You-''I love your military cap.''

You turned forward and ran off as Seth smiled at you.

Dean Ambrose

You were a part of the roster for three years now but you were different from the other female wrestlers because you only wrestled the men. You also were a tomboy and only hung out with the guys and you were very close to Jimmy and Jey. They were like older brothers to you and they looked out for you like their little sister. It was a few weeks after The Shield debuted as you walked up to Jey and Jimmy's locker room, knocked on the door and when the door opened you saw Dean Ambrose of The Shield.


You said with shy smile making Dean smile.


You-''Is Jimmy and Jey Uso here?''

Dean-''They stepped out for a moment but they'll be right back if you wanna come in and wait for them.''

You-''Thank you.''

You smiled and walked into the locker room.

Dean-''Hey, aren't you the one who wrestles the men?''

You-''I am.''

Dean-''I'm Dean.''

You-''I'm Y/N.''

You and Dean shook hands. Then you both walked over and sat down on the bench.

Dean-''I gotta say when I heard about you I knew I had to see you in action.''

You-''And what do you think?''

Dean-''I'm impressed. You have a great in-ring technique and you have a strong threshold for pain.''

You-''You can tell?''

Dean-''I can because I'm the same.''

You and Dean smiled. Then Jimmy, Jey, Seth and Roman walked in making you and Dean looked up at them.

Jimmy-''Y/N! Hey.''

Jey-''What's up?''

You and Dean stood up as they walked over to you and you hugged Jimmy and Jey.

You-''I'm good guys.''

Then you looked at Seth Roman.

Dean-''Y/N, these are my brothers. Seth and Roman.''

You-''Hi, nice to meet you.''

You shook hands with both of them.


Roman-''Nice to meet you too.''

Then Seth looked at Dean.

Seth-''Happy Birthday brother.''


Roman-''We're gonna celebrate after the show.''

Dean-''I can't wait.''

Jimmy-''Y/N, you gotta join us.''

You-''No, I just met them. I don't wanna intrude.''

Dean-''No, please join us. It's my birthday and I'm inviting you to join us.''

Dean smiled at you making you smile.

You-''I guess I can't say no to the birthday boy.''


Jey-''We're gonna PAAARRRTTYY!!''

Everyone just laughed.

You-''Happy Birthday Dean.''


You and Dean smiled at each other.

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