English class. Great.

I sighed and went to walk to my class. As I neared the class I stopped and thought for a second.

I shook my head and walked back to my locker.

Instead of going to English I'll go to Demi's office.

I jogged down the stairs and got to the gym.

I looked through the small glass pane and saw no one in the gym. I slowly opened the door and walked in.

The door shut and made the clicking sound. I looked around and walked to the door leading to Demi's office. Once I found it I knocked and stood there.

I heard a chair get pushed back and then the jiggling of keys. The door opened to reveal Demi with a mad expression on.

I gave a half smile and scratched my neck.

Demi gave me a disappointed look. She moved to the side and motioned for me to come inside. I slowly walked past her and sat down. I placed my bag on the ground and I crossed my arms and leaned them on her desk.

I put my head down on my arms and sighed as she closed the door. Demi walked around her desk and sat in front of me and folded her hands.

I placed my head down and looked at my feet, Demi tapped my arm and had me look at her.

"Why are late to school?" Her face softened as she spoke.

I shrugged and laid my head on its side.

"I overslept again. And before you ask, yes I'm skipping class right now. I'm specifically skipping English. I can't deal with my asshole of a teacher." I looked at Demi and rubbed my eyes.

Demi sighed and shook her head. She took out her notepad and wrote something down on it.

She handed it to me and scrunched up my face.

"Go to the counselor and talk to her. I want you to explain how you're not feeling good mentally and how you're oversleeping. She already knows about the whole incident that happened so I think its even better that you go." She held my face with both her hands and rubbed my cheeks.

I sniffed a little and nodded.

I grabbed my bag and stood up. I went to walk but Demi held my shoulder. She reached I to her desk and pulled out a a brown bag.

I went to question but she spoke before I could ask.

"I made you a lunch because I know you don't eat the school lunch. I don't want my baby to starve or get sick." She rubbed my back as I nodded.

"Thank you" I whispered.

She kept her hand on my back as she lead me to the door.

I walked through the gym and walked to the room on the paper.

I had to go all the way to the fifth floor.

I ran up the first two flights and then jogged for the third floor. I ended up walking till I got to the fifth floor. I wandered around and found the room.

I sighed and knocked on the door.


I smiled to myself and went to walk away. I stopped in my tracks as the door opened.

"Fucking hell" I muttered to myself.

I turned around to face a woman in about her mid thirties.

"You must be Max, miss Lovato has told me about you." The woman gave a warm smile and motioned for me to come into her office.

I huffed a little and walked into her office. She lead me to a seat and had me sit down.

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