Part 71; Again

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The meadow was vibrant green with hues of yellow, pink, and purple. The flowers fully bloomed in the heart of spring. The sun slowly danced along the sky taking its sweet time to set. The sun shone brightly without a single cloud in the sky. While others would have avoided looking the sun in the eyes, Baekhyun daringly stared into the sun. He wanted to admire its raw beauty yet the sun in returned, blinded him; an eternal white with rays of bright yellow. This was the cost of unreciprocated love and admiration of ethereal beauty. While others would've thought he was foolish to stare directly into the sun, Baekhyun couldn't careless. To fully embrace such raw beauty and blinded by such ethereal beauty, it was worth the cost of his sight. It was the moment in admiration in which left him in awe that mattered. And it is he who will be alive and wholesome in those moments and remember it forever.

Unable to withstand the blinding rays, Baekhyun raises his left hand into the air to cover his face. He closed his eyes still seeing the blinding eyes of the sun lighting up the darkness. He felt so warm and safe. He wanted to drown in this warmth forever.

A larger hand clasped on top of his right hand from behind. Their fingers laced together. Without turning to see, Baekhyun knew who he was. He could feel the latter's chest against his back. Chanyeol hovered above Baekhyun like a shielding him from the harsh world. Safe. He had always felt safe with Chanyeol. He leaned down to Baekhyun's ear and whispers, "I will always be right behind you." His voice soft as the wind gently caressing Baekhyun's heart. He always knew that Chanyeol would always be right behind him to catch him when he falls, to protect him, and to embrace him. Baekhyun smiles with his eyes still closed. As he turned around, his face brushed gently against Chanyeol's. "Chanyeol-"

Baekhyun's heart dropped. "Chanyeol?" He was alone in the meadow. His eyes darted to all ends of the field for as far as his eyes could see. He could still feel Chanyeol's hand laced with his hands. "No! D-Don't leave m-me!" He looked down in hand in a fist. He was holding onto nothing. Chanyeol's touch was fading away and the warmth disappeared. "No!" He eyes hot with tears. "No!" Baekhyun looks up again and everything was pitch black. "No.." He searched around staring into nothingness. He began to trembled uncontrollably and tears continued to pour. With all the emotional, mental, and physical strength left within him, Baekhyun screams as hard as he could knowing well he would not get a response, "Chanyeol!"

He snapped awake. His ceiling illuminated by the moonlight stared back at him. His eyes overflowed with hot tears. He was still shaking and felt a need to unleash the overwhelming flood of emotions. He began to cry again.


Chanyeol scrunched his eyebrows, "What's that sound?" Jongin's eyes darted into the hall then back at Chanyeol. "Kyungsoo...sleep talk sometimes.." A million thought were flooding his mind. He needed to leave the room.

"I thought you said you were the only one home." Chanyeol raises an eyebrow. Jongin curses internally, "I-..." The sound gets louder. The devastating sound. It didn't take long for Jongin to piece it together. He had witness it a few times. Jongin knew exactly what it was.

Chanyeol could tell Jongin was hiding something. He could almost see the dark clouds looming above Jongin's head. "What's going on? Who is also here-"

Jongin shot up onto his feet. In a grave tone, he says "Hyung, I need you to leave."

"What? Why-"

Chanyeol was interrupted by the sound of a door being shut followed by a sharp sound like a cup slamming onto the table. Chanyeol shot up onto his feet as well and headed toward the sound.


Chanyeol turns to Jongin but he darts past Chanyeol. Jongin did not say Hyung to him but someone else. Chanyeol registers and his heart drops. He quickly follows after Jongin. He bumps into Jongin who stopped dead in his tracks. They were standing in his kitchen. Chanyeol looks up to see what Jongin was staring at.

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