I quickly stood straight up.

"Please tell me you're kidding" I looked at Demi and Anthony, they exchanged glances at each other.

"I am not joking. The police are looking for him. There is a warrant out for his arrest and a man hunt is on." I stood for a second in shock.

"O-okay. Thank you for informing me." Demi stood up and came over to me.

I hung the phone up and leaned against the wall. I slid down and sat on my heels.

"Babygirl what happened? Who called?" Demi crouched down and looked at me worried.

I shook my head and brought my knees towards my chest.

"He escaped from the police custody" I looked at Demi and then back at Anthony.

They looked at each other shocked. "There is a warrant for his arrest and a man hunt is on."

Demi sat down and pulled me into her lap. Anthony came over and sat across from us.

I hid my face on Demi's shoulder. Demi held me close. Anthony placed his hand on my back and moved it around.

"I absolutely refuse to leave the apartment until he is found." I picked my head up and looked at Demi.

Demi brought her hand up and wiped the tears off my face.

"Thats perfectly fine. I understand why" I sniffed and laid my head back on her shoulder.

"I don't understand anymore. It seems like everything goes fine for a while and then some shit happens." I sighed and sat back up.

"Some times it feels like someone is just writing a book with happy things and then scary and drama and shit." Demi nodded and wrapped her right arm around me.

Anthony got up and then me and Demi did too.

We all sat in the living room. Demi sat down and made criss crossed her legs. She patted them as I got near her. I shook my head and uncrossed her legs. I sat in between them and looked back at her.

I smirked a little and then leaned against her. We all sat for a bit and just watched TV.

At four, Demi sighed and patted the side of my ass.

I got up and looked at her as she got up. "I have to start heading home. I got to wake up and be a teacher tomorrow." I pouted but nodded.

"You aren't going to walk home right?" I gave Demi a concerned look. Demi stopped for a second and thought.

"I got you, I'll drive you home. Max I trust you to stay here. I'll give you a young kids rules. Don't open the door until you know who it is." Anthony stood up and grabbed his jacket and keys. I slowly nodded but stayed on the couch.

Demi crouched down in front of me and kissed me. I leaned my forehead against hers and smiled. "The only time I'm leaving is to go to school. Other than that I'm not gonna leave my room." I looked into Demi's eyes.

She nodded and smiled. She kissed me again and got up. I said goodbye one last time and then they started to go to Anthony's car.

I sighed and stood up.


For once it wasn't a free feeling. Now the feeling of alone hurt and scared me.

I rubbed my face and walked into the bathroom.

I turned the sink on and filled it with cold water. I splashed my face a little and then just stood and stared at the mirror.

I turned my head in all different directions.

I stared at the stitches on the top of my forehead.

I gently touched one of the stitches.

"I'm gonna feel like Frankenstein for the rest of the week." I said to myself.

I looked at my arm and looked at the stitches on it.

It looked worse. The area under the stitches was purple and yellow.

I got curious and touched the purple.

Bad idea.

I hissed in pain and clenched my jaw.

"Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain, why am I surprised there's pain?" I said in a sing song voice.

I leaned against the bathroom door and stared at my reflection.

"Okay so baggy hoodie and a beanie. Seems reasonable, most likely painful." I closed my eyes and chuckled.

I'm talking to myself again. Nice.

I turned the bathroom light off and I went to my room. Before I even walked through the door way I turned around and made sure the door was locked.

I went over and laid in my bed. As I laid down I felt a lump under me. I sat and pulled Demi's tank top out from under me.

I smiled to myself and just placed it on my pillow.

I laid back down and sighed. I pulled the covers up and curled up into a ball. I took Demi's tank top and placed it by my face.

It still smelt like her, at least a good smell.

I sighed and closed my eyes, I started to drift off into sleep but I was awoken by the sound of the front door opening. I sat up and waited.

Anthony walked in front of my door and opened it a little. He saw me and smiled and closed it.

I laid back down and started to fall asleep.

My mind ran around in a million different directions. But I soon found sleep.

Today was weird and tomorrow most likely will be a challenge.

But maybe I'll be okay.

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