Chapter 10

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I sat there on my seat fidgeting. I can't believe I'm doing this! OMG! I thought to myself.

I looked out the tiny window next to me and saw the endless sky. I felt my hand being squeezed. I looked at Derrick.

"Why don't you get some sleep?" He asked.

I laughed at him. "No!" I smiled. I'm in a plane, first class! The view is amazing and I don't want to miss a single thing! "

We have only been on board and in the air for nearly 90 minutes. We checked in at the international airport and then found somewhere to have breakfast. We may have had to be at the airport at 6am but we didn't go on board till 830.

Derrick and I had our coffees and pancakes at a Cafe in the airport and sat next to each other in the lounge talking. Well he talked and I listened. He wrote down when we land, the hotel we are staying at, what he had scheduled for me while he went to his interview and when I should return to the hotel.

I squeezed Derrick's hand as I smiled at him. "Thank you." I said softly.

"Well now I know how to keep you smiling." He joked.

"This is amazing."

"You know what else is amazing?" He asked me.

"First class?" I asked with an eyebrow raised. "I could never afford first class." Then I frowned. But before I could say any more Derrick cut me off.

"Either way, I know what you are thinking, and even if you couldn't come, I still would be first class." I felt his thumb rub my hand. "But what I was going to say was, sleep. Sleep would be amazing."

I giggled. "Okay. You sleep."

"You too. I don't want to go to London just for you to sleep the whole time." I pouted. "It will be about 6 hours till we are in Singapore before we leave again."

I shimmied down on my seat.

"It will be about 6am tomorrow, which will be Sunday, when we land on our time, so it will be 8pm Saturday night in London."

"Okay." I sulked.

"So when we land, we will check in at the hotel and grab dinner."

"I said fine." I teased Derrick. I let Derrick adjust the seats to makeshift beds and I pushed the table away. I laid down next to Derrick as he swallowed me in his thick arms.

I don't know how to sleep, being excited and all, not sleeping last night, but my eyes felt completely different to everywhere else on me. I closed them and within seconds, I was out.


"Terra, baby. Wake up." I felt the gently nudging.

"What?" I groaned. Who is waking me. Why are they waking me? Then I remembered. My eyes flew open.

"Hi." Derrick smiled at me. I grinned at him.

"Are we there yet?" I groaned as I rubbed my eyes.

"We will be landing in Singapore in twenty minutes."

I sat up and looked out the window. I could see the ocean and the distant city. It was amazing. I turned my phone on and snapped a photo. After that, I quickly turned it off before it went haywire with missed calls or messages.

Once inside an airport, I turned my phone on again and let the notifications come through. It was about 4pm back home.

Now is the best time to ring mum and dad. I excused myself as I held the phone to my ear.


My heart was beating so fast.


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