🌹 {Chapter 32} 🌹

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"Normal Again... Please?" ♥

♦ Jesse's POV ♦

Its been months since anything extreme has happened to Beacontown. Its... Boring as heck I'll admit... I sat in my office as I pondered my thoughts. It was just that kind of day where Radar and I didn't have anything to do; everything was... Normal... Except for Petra...

The mystery of why Maya attacked Petra remains to be discovered and she hasn't been spotted in town but every since then Petra's nightmares increased. Every night she would wake up screaming, tears flowing from her eyes... I try my best to comfort her and begged her to tell me what she was dreaming about. Finally, after weeks of reasoning with her, she finally opened up to me. Something about her running in the woods and being surrounded by darkness... It's the same dream. Night after night. Week after week. Month... After month...

"Jesse...?" Called the gorgeous redhead from outside my office door. It was Petra.

I gazed at her flowing fiery hair as she entered the room, "How may I be of assistance, princess?" I cheekily responded to her as she playfully gave me a death stare, "What time are you finishing work today...? I... I kinda need your company right now," She said. My heart felt corrupted with cold as I saw her lips tremble, fearing I didn't want to spend time with her anymore. She stumbled towards me and leaned against my desk. I took off my reading glasses (yes yes Jesse has reading glasses now 😈 he be blind 😂) "Did you get any rest last night? Was the night terror the same...?" I asked with sorrow in my eyes.

Petra let out a sigh, and closed her eyes, "I want to sleep... I want this to end... I want to be the normal me again... This is stupid! I have no time for this!" I felt stupid.

"Petra... I..." I sat up from my chair and embraced her in a warm tight hug. She hugged me back as she let go a few tears. I didn't even know how to comfort my own girlfriend.

Jesse... You effin' turned evil idiots into good guys and you can't even help your own girlfriend... Stupid!

Petra soon loosened her grip, indicated she wanted to let go. She sniffed. I placed my left arm around her waist and used my right hand to wipe away her tears, "Hey, don't cry... No more, please," I begged, smiling softly, "Here's what, Give me a minute to pack up my stuff and... Let's go home!" I joyfully said. Petra stood there rubbing her hand on her shoulder, "Uhhmm... Jesse, you sure you want... To leave now? I mean... I-I don't want to take you away from your work or anyth-" I looked up at her and chuckled. She stopped her sentence, and tilted her head down... blushing.

You look so cute when you blush! ...you're gonna be fine Petra... You're gonna be fine.

* * *

On the way home, while we walked, I kept thinking about this ridiculous dream that's causing so much problems.

She said she's in a forest... She runs away from the darkness... She trips on a rock and falls... And that's where her dream ends...

What if  she avoids the rock? What if she... I don't know... Jumps over it or something?!

"Hey petra?"


"About that dream you're having... What if you avoid the object you constantly trip on?"

"I've tried that, many times... No matter how hard I try I still fall."


"Hey... Forget about it Jesse, I'll... Figure out something later."

Her lips formed into a cute smile and I smiled back, but I need to fix this mess. 'I'll stop by Ivor tomorrow and see if he can do anything...'

No one knows about this... I'm sorry Petra but I have to fix this. It's my responsibility to protect you and I will... I just hope I can do it sooner than later.

The night soon empowered the daytime, Petra and I laid in bed. I gave her a reassuring smile before her eyes drooped. I laid there silently and muttered,

"Maya, I'm coming for you."

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2018 ⏰

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