🌹 {Chapter 24} 🌹

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Fun On The Beach

Petra's Pov

As we walked down to the beach, I couldn't help but glance ever so often at Jesse's cheesy grin on his face because of the outfit I was waring. "Babe, what's with the smile?" I deviously asked. He didn't answer me, instead... swiftly wrapped his hand around my waist, "Do you still need an explanation~?" His flirty behaviour made me chuckle...I could swear his face turned bright red,"Maybe I still do~" I responded with a warm smile across my face.

* * *

No One's Pov

They had finally arrived at the beach after fifteen minutes of walking. After setting up the blankets on the fiery beach sand, Petra took off her garments that covered her bikini and laid down on the blanket, under the shady palm trees.

"What a wonderful day for the beach!" Jesse exclaimed grinning from ear to ear.

"Yup...." Petra answered.

Jesse moved closer to Petra and quickly hugged her, "I love your bathing suit Petra, you look so beautiful~" He flirted, "Stop flattering me Jesse," She stated blushing a really bright shade of red, "Its embarrassing..." She finished, making Jesse smirk, "But its true! I love you so much and I'll prove it~" Jesse soon lured over his 'precious belonging' and roughly kissed her soft peachy lips, "Mmph~"

Jesse soon pulled away since fans started staring at them, taking millions of pictures to share with their friends or family, "Uhh, Jesse?" Petra called, "Hmm?" was all he could say, "Can we go for a swim?" Jesse quickly looked at her with a 'I'm to lazy right now' kind of look. Petra growned, "C'mon Jesse Pleeeeeeease!?" She wined, annoying Jesse. He rolled his eyes and laughed at her out of playfulness, "Fine, fine you win... I'll go swim with you...." He agreed with Petra's terms; Petra jumping up beaming with excitement and pulling Jesse's hand. "Jesse you slow poke!" Her inpatients began to spring out of control making Jesse chuckle.

Jesse's Pov

It's cute when I see her like this....it's hard to imagine what my life would be like without her, it's cliche to say that, I know....but it's true! I probably would have still been leader of Beacontown, Petra might have been the warrior she is, but I hate to say it....if that Witherstorm hadn't 'accidentally' happened, and all those other horrendous mistakes....the Order and I might not have been heros, Petra and I wouldn't have been a thing, Don't be sad that it's over, be happy that it happened. "Jesse... Hello?" My one and only princess swayed her hand in front of my face as I was daydreaming, "Your supposed to be spending time with 'me' and not your imagination.....honey." Petra noted. We were already almost submerged in the salty crystal blue/green waters, I sorta felt embarrassed...not giving Petra the attention she deserved so I decided I'll do what I do best....get my flirty act on, "I....uhhhh, you see the thing is princess~" I said swimming closer to her, holding her wrists softly with one hand and wrapping my other hand around her waist, feeling the touch of her soft, smooth skin, "I was daydreaming about you~" my nose came in contact with here as I leaned closer to her, demanding a kiss, "Really~? I didn't...know~" she replied as if she were out of breath, placing her hands on my chest, "Jesse...~" She breathed out, leaning closer to me, "mmph~" our lips came into contact, she tasted salty...but I didn't mind.

We soon parted our lips, gasping as we stared into each others eyes, "Petra?" I started, moving even more closer, invading her privacy but she didn't seem to mind, "Yes Jesse?" She look at me with a smirk on her face but me being the jokey boyfriend that I am did this..."Uhh Petra, can we go back to where we left our stuff on the beach...I'm hungry..." I said in a sorta blank tone of voice. Petra raised one of her eyebrows and sighed, "Your so random Jesse..." She said as she giggled shortly after.

* * *

No One's Pov

"Jesse, we should start packing up our stuff, the sun will set soon..." Petra sat up from the blanket and stared at the brunette whom was currently reading a book, "Its only six o' clock, we have time~" Jesse said, looking at his watch and back to Petra, "Jesse th-" she was interpreted by Jesse, who was now resting his index finger on her lips, "Shhh, don't you wanna watch the sun set with me~?" He said in a soft tone, "Alrighty, if you say so..." She agreed to Jesse's request and laid back down on the blanket.

The sun has began to set over the horizon. Petra and Jesse sat down, Jesse's arm around her waist and Petra's head rested on his shoulder. With shorter breaths and more cuddling, they enjoyed their presents as the mixture of red, orange and yellow colours spread across the hazy blue sky. "Petra..." He finally broke the silence, "Yeah?" She responded, "I love you...so much, I swear on my life that I'll do anything to protect you" Jesse vowed on his life that he'd do anything and everything in his power to protect her. Petra looked up at him and warmly smiled, "I know you would Jesse, I would do the same for you...and you know that,"

The rest of the afternoons was mostly quiet. As soon as the sun has finally disappeared, they packed up their belongings and walked back to the place they call home~

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