🌹 {Chapter 5} 🌹

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Party People In Town

"JESSE!" A familiar voice shouted from outside Jesse's front door. It was Lucas. Ugh why did he have to ruin the moment? Jesse thought to himself. He went to open the door with a sour expression on his face. Petra stayed behind him waiting curiously at what Lucas wanted. As soon as Jesse opened the door Lucas shouted with excitement at them, "Guys you would not believe what Olivia made!" Lucas started. "What did Olivia make that's Soooooo exciting?" Petra asked. "Remember what Olivia said when we were almost home?" Lucas questioned, "A machine that could play music?" Jesse answered, "YES! And Olivia hosted a party at 'Bad Luck Ally' inviting everyone to witness her latest invention!" Lucas said with excitement.

"Whoa that's so awesome, I can't wait to BE there!" Jesse exclaimed, "What time does the event start?" Jesse questioned. "Midnight, I can't wait!" Lucas said , "There are actually two parts to the party, part one, there's gonna be pop music for everyone to dance and stuff, and part two, your gonna have to pick a partner to dance with you! There's gonna be food and drinks, It's gonna be so awesome!" Lucas informed Jesse and Petra. "Sorry guys I have to help them set up for the party, later guys!" Lucas said while turning around and running in the direction of town. "Bye!" Petra and I said in unison. Jesse closed the door behind him.

Jesse's Pov

I looked at Petra, "Huh, a party you say~?" I said to Petra with a cheesy grin on my face. Petra laughed uncontrollably and walked towards me slowly, "Ooo I wonder whose gonna be my Prince Charming?" Petra said to me in a flirty way. "It would be an honor to be your partner for tonight's party" I responded. "Ok this is some cringy role play, let's stop..." I admitted. Petra continued to walk up to me slowly and she wrapped her arms around my neck, "Well I think your cringy role play is quite sexy," Petra exclaimed. I was quite impressed. "Wow, I didn't know you were the flirty type," I teased as I held Petra's waist. Petra giggled, "Well now you know," Petra leaned in and we kissed.

Petra's Pov

I was happy to know that I had someone who would love me for who I am but I just wondered how we would tell the others. "Jesse?" I started, "Yes princess?" Jesse responded to me, "What are we gonna tell our friends, do we even tell them at all?" I asked. "They'll find out sooner or later," Jesse answered, "Let's just get ready for tonight" He suggested. I nodded my head yes and we went to get ready for tonight.

* * *

No One's Pov

It was time for Petra and Jesse way their way to the Party. Jesse was wearing a suit with his hair combed partly to the side. "Hey Princess you ready, we got to go now," Jesse stated. Petra opened her room door revealing herself and Jesse's jaw dropped. Petra was wearing a red shiny dress with black high heals and her hair was clipped up. "So Jesse...is my new name princess now?" Petra asked. "I don't know about that 'princess' but so what I do know is that you are 'my' princess," Jesse answered. "Aww, not bad Jesse," Petra teased. They both cracked up into laughter and looked into each other's eyes. "What would I do without you?" Jesse said as they were leaving, Jesse opened the door, like a gentleman, and they left for the party.

As they walked to the party Petra asked Jesse, "How do we tell them, I mean what if something goes wrong?" Jesse looked at her, "Nothing bad will happen Petra, just relax and go with the flow," Jesse reassured Petra. They walked through the town trying to act like they aren't together and they made their way to the Party under the moon lights glow.

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