Ch. 3 - A Recurring Nightterror

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« Petra's Pov »

I felt dizzy. My head was pounding in pain and my vision is disoriented. I'm running. I'm running through an unfamiliar forest. My heart pounds heavily, I must run. Run run run.

Everything looks less saturated, the beautiful lime green leaves look gray and withered. Something is swiftly gaining on me, I feel something's presence racing behind me. My breath quickens. I'm tired, I feel every muscle cramping together as I loose stamina. I swiftly dodge the trees in my path to escape whatever's chasing me. Ahead of me, I see a giant log. A tree must of fallen over. I jump but tripped as a sharp pain developed in my chest.

My body limps and falls with a loud thud to the forest floor. Dried leaves crunch against my back as I glance up to the sky, barely getting a glimpse of sunlight as the think greenery covers the grounds of the forest below. My vision blurs as I gasp for air.

I can't breathe. My chest stings every time I inhale.

Attempting to get a grip in the direction I was running in, I scan my surroundings frantically, panicking, looking for whatever was the cause of me running. There's nothing there. My eyes see nothing but I feel that same eerie presence from before.

Suddenly, the roots of the trees begin to move, as if alive, and they began to wrap around my body, thorns from some branches pierced my skin as I winced and bawled out in agony.

It burns. It hurts.

My mind was racing as to find a way out of the situation I was in. I'm trapped, the branches have firmly gripped my legs and arms, the thorny branch around my neck tightens with every struggle I make. It's hopeless, I can't escape. Just as a single, damp tear trickled down my face, a noise came out from the mist surrounding me.

'Not enough. Never enough. They always want more.' A disoriented whisper seeped from a distance, like the fog that creeps in at dusk. The voice was horsed and deep, it croaked and wailed whimpers and repeatedly choked out the same words over and over again. 'Not enough. Never enough. They always want more.'

"Who's there!" I gasped out, "Show yourself! What do you want!?" I hoped screaming out would intimidate what was out there, but the crack in my voice gave away the pain I was in.

It cackled out in mad laughter, echoing through out the area. Mustering up whatever strength was left in my now frail body, I struggle, struggle, struggle, however, without notice, a flash of light briefly left me partially blind as I look up to see a horrific sight. The most horrendous thing I've ever witnessed in my travels couldn't compare to what was standing above my confined figure. It smiled and moved its clawed, bony hand over its neck, asphyxiating itself. Just as it did, I gasped and struggled to breath as now I felt stifled. The pain it was inflicting in itself seemed to sync with my body. I feel it's pain as well.

I chocked, begging it to stop. It smiled at me, it's image was blurry but I felt as though it was smiling at me!

"Stop." I manage to croak out.

Just as I did, it cackled again, same as it did before. "Take heed child." It crooked out, tightening its grip on itself harder. I felt as though my neck would snap, the pain began to fade as I myself felt as though I was fading way. My vision was completely blurred and I began to black out, my ears were ringing, I saw it mouth out words but I could not hear.

"You'll never be enough. He will always want more."

I fade away, I am no more.

As the darkness fully encompasses me, I hear it cackle out one last time. It didn't stop, it kept on choking and coughing as it forced out an ear piercing screech.

"Once you realize how truly powerless you lot are, you'll crave the thing that makes armies tremble before you. Beware star child, you'll lose everything and everyone you desperately hold dear."


" . . . ra . . . Petra! Wake up! Petra!"

A jolt of energy shocked it's way through my body, however, my body laid still on my bed. I crinkled my nose and squinted my eyes as they adjusted to the light. I lifted my right hand and gently rubbed my temples as I slowly raised up.

Hm, what an intense dream . . .

"Well," a pleasant voice next to me paused, "You've never slept in before. To think you would sleep so deeply. . .very unlike you Petra. I must be working you too hard."


I tilted my head to the left of me. There he was, sat beside my bed. I swallowed dryly and touched my throat.

"Thirsty? Here."

His hands wrapped around a glass cup, filled with sparkling, clear water. He reached for me and I did the same. As our hands brushed together I instinctively looked down, feeling his cooler hands over my warm ones. It's almost as if his touch refreshed and I had wondered for a brief moment if the water given to me would sizzle out the fires in my body as effectively as my leader's simple mindless touch.

Nevertheless, my body needs more than a brush of a hand.

I grasped the glass and looked through the soft ripples as the rays of sun pierced through the glass and liquid, creating a beautiful symphony of colors. Raising the edge of the glass to my lips, I gulped down greedily, gulping down till there was nothing but a few particles of what was left.

I let out a loud exhale and heard a soft, short laugh next to me. Humming to myself, I looked at the amused man next to me. I raised my brow and he seemed to understand me without words.

Jesse sighed as he leaned back into his chair, crossing his legs ever so gracefully and resting his arms in his lap. "You're adorable when you first wake up. That hard front you put up for others just crumbles when you're deeply asleep. Your soft expression could make any stone cold man whimper in adorableness." He blinked his eyes rapidly and over exaggerated the last word in his silly statement.

I groaned at his stupidity and rolled my eyes

Judging from the angle of the sun, it seemed to be just before lunch.

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