Ch. 1 'Hometown'

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« 3rd Pov (Point Of View) »

A clear mind should never be compared to an empty one. The former implies that the mind is at peace with ones body and affairs. The latter however is quite troublesome.
Jesse is sat comfortably against a log, arms and feet crossed as his gaze remains fixed towards the distant horizon. Dawn is underway however its still dark out, Jesse must remain vigilant on watch duty. Be that as it may, Jesse isn't too edged, his confidence backed up by his experience is enough for the man to be at ease. A lifestyle of seemingly endless adventure has made a chore of many things. Power naps aside, watching your team's back during nap time is in the job description. Jesse doesn't mind, in fact theres always a giddy look on his face whenever he's on watch, especially when his shift is in the wee hours of the morning.
One may argue Jesse was being silly for being simple. Well that is what he is. Jesse was a pious man who united many, protected many and inspired many no doubt but he remained a simple man regardless of the fortune. And there are many things this simple man enjoys. The sight of a sunrise during a clear sky, the faint scent of lavender incense burning at his feet, the brutal morning cold that caused a pleasant shiver, and the taste of bitter cocoa tea that warmed his heart as all his senses took in this simple experience.

"Damn, we really went far on our journey this time. We're at lease a few hours away from home." Jesse informed the small bunch of pioneers. "I know, exploring is fun but the only thing keeping me going is the fact that we have to reach Beacontown before nightfall. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but our food supply is low and as much as I hate to say this, I'm way too tired to fight monsters." Olivia sulked but kept her head high. "Wait, what happened to all the potions Ivor made us? We cant of used up all of them." Jesse turned his head, glancing at the two girls only to hear Petra whistling awkwardly then sheepishly smiling at their leader. Olivia chuckled, her eyes staring at Jesse with the answer he needed right on the tip of her tongue. "I think Petra may be able to answer you there Jesse. So much for only using half of the potions Petra!" Petra, now summoning up excuses yelled, "Hey, not my fault you guys decided to leave them with me! And what happened to 'having fun' on the mission? Plus Ivor taught me a couple of potion recipes so I can make more! I deserved to use these potions!"

Both Jesse and Olivia glanced at each other while Petra continued to glare at them, spouting playful insults, brightening the mood which caused them to forget time and the fact that they were tired and hungry.

As minuets went on to hours, the small group of adventurers continued to follow their compass, making their way back home. A glimpse of Beacontown's gigantic gate was seen faintly in the distance by the group's leader, Jesse. "Hey, guys . . . look in front of us in the distance!" Excited, the Order exploded in sudden euphoria noticing what Jesse has seen. "Becontown at 12 o' clock! We're almost home!"

"Finally!" Petra squealed in excitement. "Oh, that's so great!"

With a tingling feeling coursing through the Order's veins, they urged their horses to speed up and all they could have heard at that moment was the horses' hooves trampling over the grass and dried leaves, causing a crunch sound and the gushing howls of the early fall breeze.

* * *

Settling down in Beacontown, Petra, Jesse, and Olivia handed their horses to one of the horse keepers. "You did good Pegasus, you did good buddy!" Gently petting the side of his horse's head, Jesse handed the reins over to his horsekeeper.

"Alright guys, let's unpack and head to our homes asap! It'll be night soon so make sure and rest up! Tomorrow, we'll greet the village and meet up with the representative from Arkala. I believe his name is Cris if I'm not mistaken."

❋ Arkala is a neighboring group of vigilantes up in the mountains Northwest of Beacontown. The Arkala residents protect the mountains from bandits but they do not work for Beacontown but do it on their own free will. They don't attack Beacontown's residents so Beacontown turns a blind eye to them, however, Jesse wants to make an alliance with the Arkalans.

"Jesse . . . " Petra's voice fades into the silence as she pauses, unpacking her inventory, "Are you really sure we can trust this Arkala tribe? No one of our informants knows who their leader is and there aren't any records on them! The only thing we know is that they fight bandits for us." Suspicion lurking in the atmosphere, Petra closes a storage chest and sits on top it, crossing her legs. "Well, Jesse? I'm waiting for a reply . . . " She says, tapping her hand on the wooden storage chest, causing a clunk sound to echo across the room. Olivia chirps into the conversation. "I dare not question your decision Jesse, you are our leader and I know from experience you are capable of protecting our village from the evil that lurks in the darkest parts of our world but I ask you this not as another leader of a village but as your friend . . .

Do you really have faith in your decision?"

« Jesse's POV »

I've indeed thought about this before. All things considered, I want what's best for my home. For people to live fairly with each other. Without status or political ideals. To live freely with high spirits. That's a world I want for my people all who I see not as persons under my rule but as family.

"I do. Trust is valuable in the world no doubt. Of course if Arkala isn't willing to corporate with us I must respect their choice, however, I have a pretty strong feeling they will agree to an alliance with us. Think about it. The past three years they've protected our back. Why wait all this time to attack? If they wanted to, I'm sure they would have a long time ago. We've done nothing but let them execute their belief system. Their faith is as strong as the swords they wield and I'd be proud to have them as our ally."

Even though I'm walking into the blindly, I believe Petra and Olivia will understand. I'll have a talk with Lukas tonight about security. Tomorrow's meeting must go as smooth as possible.

« 3rd POV »

Jesse's blind faith towards the mysterious tribe somehow moved Petra, in a good way.

"Alright Jesse, we trust you implicitly and we always will," Olivia spoke with pride. Her eyes sparkled as she exited. "Well, I'm going to see Lukas now before I leave for Redstonia!"

"Oh! If it's not to much trouble Livia', please remind him to meet me in the library tonight to discuss tomorrow's plans."

"You got it, boss!" Olivia teased as she ran off skipping. Jesse rolled his eyes and placed his hand over his temples, rubbing in a clockwise circle on the spot as she sighed, "I really hate being called that . . . "

:Tomorrow, another day we live to reminisce:
//End day 01

MCSM Jetra: Adventure Of A Lifetime REWORKING FOR REALSحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن