🌹 {Chapter 27} 🌹

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Unexpected Encounter

♦ Jesse's Pov

What should I make for breakfast? Uhhh, Pancakes or Pumpkin Pie? I'll make both...? Petra loves sweet treats so I may do both. I thought as I looked out my window, such a peaceful morning! Birds sung their heartwarming songs, the sun kissed my face as it shone through the window.

I stood there sipping on my coffee when suddenly I felt a pair of arms wrap around my stomach. I smirked, as I fully well knew my princess awoke from her slumber. We were silent for a minute or two when Petra broke the silence, "Morning Jesse," I smirked as I took another sip of my coffee, "Morning Princess," I said in a singing tone.

She suddenly unwrapped her hands from my waist and gasped at the calender, "Wait one minute..." My gaze left the window and onto her startled face. Confused, I asked her what was wrong, "What's wrong princess?" She warmly smiled, her eyes shining like glitter as she walked over to the calender and pointed at today's date, "Its November 7, that means it's almost Christmas!" She said joyfully. I chuckled at her astonished face, she looked so cute when she's surprised. "Yeah, yes it's almost Christmas princess," I replied, she didn't seem to say anything else, instead she left the kitchen after grabbing a glass of water.

I stood next to the balcony, leaning up against the railings while watching the world go by. It was peaceful, quiet, nature makes everything seem graceful, it's such a shame man polite it. With the cool breeze blowing gently, one of many signs Christmas is near I walked back inside, sliding the glass doors shut. I notest Petra was putting on her boots. I guess she was going out for a while but I decided to ask anyway, "Hey princess, where are you off to?" I said, raising one of my eye brows, "I'm gonna go for a walk around town. I haven't seen Olivia for a while so, I'm gonna go check on her inventions."

Without another word, Petra was out the door... I hope she'll be ok...

Petra's Pov ♦

Walking around town, I could already feel the Christmas spirit! Everyone were busy decorating their homes with Christmas lights and ornaments. I inhaled deeply and suddenly a rough yet cool and calming breeze passed through the village. The weather wasn't rainy, but cloudy... I guess you may call it gloomy weather? I'll leave the science lesson for later. As I was walking around town, I notest Maya? What...wait, whats she doing here? Isn't she supposed to be in Sky City? Thoughts flooded my mind like a rushing river, what could she possibly want in Beacontown?

I observed her carefully, she was just passing by vendors...just, staring at bat they were selling...why is she here?! I mentally scolded myself for not knowing the answers. She just...walked away, not buying anything! Why sound she just walk away...this doesn't make any sense! I followed her for a while but then she, vanished, disappeared... Poof! What the heck, how could that sneaky rat possibly disappear all of a sudden, sure did she go?! I sighed, knowing I won't be able to find her anymore and headed inn the direction of Olivia's Lab.

* * *

"Hi Olivia!" I blurted out as I entered the room she was currently inhabiting, "Petra, Its SO good to see you again!" I saw her drop her tools as she ran towards me, welcoming my visit with a friendly bare hug, Too. Much. Squishing! "Olivia. Let, go please? Squishing me!" I said breathless, she finally let me go. "Oh, uhh sorry, it's just that...I haven't seen you in a while," We laughed it off and decided to sit down for a bit. We talked about her progress for her new inventions and she shared her upcoming ideas for some other stuff I couldn't remember, or what I don't want to remember. I was focused on Maya...why is she here?!

"Petra, are you ok-" I cut Olivia off, I didn't even bother to answer her question, "Did you see Maya in town today?" I asked rather impatient, "W-What?" I could tell she was confused...I would be confused myself...Maya, Gill and Aiden where in Sky City...that's a totally different dimension from our world! The only way for them to get to our world is...wait, ohh no could she have a portal key?. "No I didn't see Maya around but uhh, Petra, you do realize the only way for them to come here is through the portal network...right?" Olivia pointed out...Maybe I'm just imagining these things...maybe Maya wasn't even there... I sighed in disappointment but I also felt relief...who knows what Maya might do if she found out Aiden was sent back to prison for attacking Jesse.

"Petra?" Olivia shook her hand out in front of my face, which broke my thoughts, "Oh umm, sorry, I was just thinking, maybe your right Olivia, maybe Maya wasn't even there..." Still tho, call me crazy but I have a very bad feeling something tragic Will happen...dear Notch, please...my future with Jesse is all I care about now, let everything he ok...

After Olivia and I caught up on some topics we didn't discuss, I decided to make my way back to Jesse's house before it got dark. I wonder if Jesse has anything interesting to tell me about his day?

Maya's Pov ♦

"So, you think you could take Aiden away from me?! Dump him in a prison for life?! Do you even have a heart Jesse?! Well guess what...even if you do, I'm going to destroy you! Murder everyone you love and care for! Destroy everything you've built! I'm going to break you for what you did to me!"

I held up a picture of Aiden in my hand, "Oh my sweet Aiden, don't worry, I will avenge us both! I will rip Jesse's heart out, just like I promised you, anything for you, my love."

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