🌹 {Chapter 28} 🌹

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'Revenge Is Best Served Cold' Or So They Say

Petra's Pov ♦

I hear screaming, my vision...blurry.

"Get her to the emergency room!" I opened my eyes...I saw a woman, dressed in...a doctor's outfit, she was holding something against my mouth that have me oxygen? "She needs emergency treatment! Hurry!"

I couldn't breathe, what was that annoying beeping sound?!

My arms and legs were numb...I felt like my chest was burning up inside, my head ached horribly as a pounding feeling kept occurring through out my brain!

I was surrounded by like fifty people, what the heck? What...happened?


I heard a familiar voice shout out me name...Jesse? Why does he sound so desperate? I turn to where the source of the sound was coming from. Then I saw the doctors quickly chose the door to the entrance of the room I was currently in. Then I heard loud and aggressive hanging, the doors slightly opening but quickly shutting back again as the doctors use every drop of strength they had to try and keep Jesse out...but why? Why do they want to keep him out? What...what really happened? I-....I don't remember anything! Whats going on! I hated myself for not knowing all the answers! I need to get to the bottom in thi- "AUGH!" A sudden pain in my chest made be scream and fall back onto the bed the doctors placed me on.

"Stay still Petra!" This guy says, shining a light into my eyes, "Do you remember anything? Anything at all?" He asked me, sort of...anxious. "No...No I don't remember?" He suddenly sighed with my response, "You-"

"Let. Me. In! I need to be with her!" Suddenly the doors were slowly opening with every time Jesse furiously banged his arms onto them. I am so confused right now. A sharp pain made me stiffen my head. The pain was coming from my chest...I looked down. I gasped. Blood? Wh- Why am I bleeding?! 

"Close the doors quick! Keep him out!" One of the doctors said holding up a phone, "Get the security here, we NEED Jesse to stay calm! Get the rest of The Order too, Lucas...Olivia, Axel...heck anyone of them! As long as they get Jesse calm again!" She spoke into the phone...

I felt...weak, dizzy...my whole body slowly turning numb again, my chest rapidly rising and lowering as I gasped thin and fast breaths. Suddenly I heard loud, fast beeping sounds...God that's annoying

"Oh shh- Get the doctors here! Now!" I was one of the doctors scream as Jesse slowly calmed down only to become more furious, "I'll kill her!" He shouted, I looked at him through the window...looking into those green eyes I loved...Jesse placed his hand on the glass, looking at me, "I'll Kill....her!" He slowly began to sob, I reached out my hand towards him and before I knew it, that stupid annoying beeping sound that came from across the room began to sound faster and louder than before. I felt...dead.

Jesse began kicking at the door now.

I'm feeling dizzy.

Lucas, Olivia, Axel...they all rushed behind Jesse, trying to hold him down.

Wait...the Doctors.

It dawned on me, I knew who was to blame for this.


I took my last deep breathe.

I blacked out.

I found myself in the forest. It was dark, misty, isolated. "Hello?!" I shouted, "Jesse? Is....is anyone here?" There was no answer. Suddenly, I glanced behind me, darkness...pitch black began engulfing what seemed like trees and bushes behind me. Natural instinct...I ran in the opposite direction. I tripped on a rock....the darkness caught up with me. Void. nothingness in every direction. I heard screaming. I faded away. I screamed. It all blacked out.

Earlier That Day

"Jesse!" I came rushing into Jesse's house like a hurricane, "Did you...by any chance...see Maya in Beacontown today?"

"Yes...yes I did, and she really doesn't look happy to see me..."

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