🌹 {Chapter 30} 🌹

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Jesse's POV ♦

I forced my eyes shut. Petra was gesturing me to refresh her memory on the situation that occurred last night. Long story short...Petra fell asleep in my arms which was a cute moment by itself but an unexpected problem occurred and Radar came rushing in the bedroom and I glared at him for invading by privacy. He quickly apologized but seemed panicked, stating that monsters had attacked the west corner of Beacontown. I left Petra alone to sleep, as I didn't what to wake her up, and ran out the door in swiftly, following Radar's lead. There were mobs everywhere! Radar and I along with the other warriors fought them, making sure the town was secured.

I came back home and found Petra...Passed out on the floor...laying in a pool of blood...

*Flash Back Starts*

"Petra? Petra I'm bac-" I froze... Petra was...covered in blood! I ran towards her and checked her pulse...low... Even with the current situation, I remained calm and called for help... I took Petra to the hospital and they took care of things... Until...

Beep Beep Beep

I looked into the room Petra was currently in. She looked like she was... Dying

Not now... You can't leave me alone...

Tears fell from my eyes... The thought of her leaving me forever brought instant fear into my heart...

I pushed the room doors open with strong force but the doctors pushed me back out.

"Keep him out!" One of the doctors said.

"Call the rest of the Order Of The Stone members! Keep him out!" A female unknown to me stated.

They forced me outside her room and slammed the doors shut...

I glanced at Petra... Her breaths slowed down...

Petra... I whimpered

I need to be with her... I need her...

I tried to get in... "PETRA! LET ME IN! I NEED TO BE WITH HER NOW!"

I cried...

"Keep him out!" They repeated.

I looked into the small window that separated Petra... From me...

"Jesse..." she breathed out...

*Flash Back Ends*

"Jesse?" I gazed down to see Petra, staring at me with confused eyes...

"Are you ok?"

"You were stabbed by Maya..." I sighed.

She just looked at me with blank eyes; before I knew it, she hugged me. "Take me home... I don't want to stay in this hospital any longer." I couldn't argue with her at this point. "Alright... Let's go home."

* * *

"Petra?" I looked at her as we both got into bed. "How may I be of assistance?" Her cheeky smile made be chuckle, "I wanna ask you something..." I paused and inhaled deeply, "I know you've been having nightmares Petra... Its no secret," She look everywhere but my face, "Petra?" She looked down, "I....yeah... I have been getting nightmares lately..." I softly smiled, "Do you want to talk about it... I might be able to help," She negatively nodded her head quickly, "I-I don't want to talk about it...yet."

Mentally I sighed but I smiled when I saw how venerable her cute face was... If Petra even finds out I called her cute... She would kill me. I softly chuckled at the thought and she looked at me confused, "What's so funny?" She questioned and I smirked, "Nothing Pet~" She stayed quiet for a good five seconds and then spoke, "Y'know Jesse... That's what I love about you, you're always making joy in the most tragic outcomes," She paused and a goofy smile appeared on my face, "You always make me happy Jesse... I mean... I don't know how, but you always do..." I kissed her cheek, "Because I love you Petra... More than myself, Its cliché to say this I know but, I Don't know what I'd do without you... I am- SO, sorry for leaving you the other night... with Maya out there I-" I sighed and paused; Petra spoke, "Its ok Jesse... You don't have to apologize, it isn't your fault Maya is a B!tch-"

"Language sweety!"


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