🌹 {Chapter 13} 🌹

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Further Than The Horizon

Sarah left precise instructions for the orther, she asked them to get prepared, armor up, pack tools and food then meet her at her kingdom. Sarah had to pack up other important stuff for the journey.

Olivia, Axel, Lucas, Ivor returned to their homes while Petra returned to Jesse's house with him.

Petra's Pov

We were on our way to Jesse's house and... I sort of feel bad. We didn't spend much time together as I wanted to. My face was sour the whole way and apparently I think Jesse notested.

Jesse's Pov

I realised that Petra was in a sour mood the whole walk home, so I decided to ask her what was the matter, "Hey Petra, You ok?" I finally decided to ask, "Of course, why wouldn't I be?" Petra responded but I could tell she was lying. We finally arrived to my place and we went inside, "C'mon Petra you don't expect me to believe you right?" Jesse said while crossing his arms, "Well?" Petra started followed by a sigh, "You see, we're not spending much time together as I would like," she said to me bending her head down. I looked at her with a sad expression on my face, "Yea I know how you feel," I said. She seemed pretty sad so I decided to cheer her up with some fun~

I walked up to her with a cheesy smile on my face and Petra notested, "Jesse, what are you doing!?" She said with a half worried half in gonna kill you kind of look, "You'll find out soon~" I said with a flirty voice. I quickly corned her to a wall, grabbed her and then I started to tickle her, I knew she was ticklish so, "Remember what you did to me?" I said, making her remember that she had tickled me on the couch, "NO! Jesse, STOP IT NOW!" she demanded while laughing uncontrollably, "Why should I?" I questioned jokingly. "PLEASE! I-I b-beg you!" She shouted. I laughed at her and stopped tickling her, I pushed her to the wall and kissed her, Petra kissed back to. I pulled away. "We may not always have moments like this because we have responsibilities but, we'll always have time sooner or later to have fun, ok princess," I promised. "Ok..."

No One's Pov

After Petra and Jesse's play time was over, they packed their stuff and headed to the treasure room to put on armor, after that, Jesse and the Order went to get their horses, Petra didn't have one so she had to ride with Jesse. When they all were ready, they left Beacon Town, and headed to Sarah's place.

* * *

Sarah's place was looking the mountains, like up in the clouds.

"Whoa, Sarah's town is so cool up there!" Axel said excited, "I know right!" Olivia commented. "This was her dream when she was small, she always wanted to live in the mountains," Petra stated. "That's pretty cool, looks like her dreams became a reality!" Jesse said as they made their way to the entrance of the Kingdom. "That reminds me, when I was adventuring with Harper..." Ivor started before he was interrupted by jesse, "After you ran off with the Atlas and Enchanted flint and steel?!" Jesse said . "YES! After that, we went to this dimension that people could create their own future with their thoughts!" Ivor finished. Everyone starred with amazement. The Order finally reached the kingdom's entrance, the guards there were expecting them so they allowed them to enter.

They all looked at the city in awe, her kingdom looked similar to Stella city, Champion City but Sarah was way more nicer and good looking

They made their way to the palace and tied their horses with leads on fence posts. They soon met up with Sarah, "Hey guys!" She said, "Hey, we finally made it," Petra said. Sarah giggled, "I'm good to go now, we can start on our journey!" Sarah said with excitement. "Well Petra, You wanted to go on a adventure and wish came true!" Jesse said. Petra blushed, "Yea..." She said. "Aw, couple goals," Sarah said almost crying. Petra and Jesse were embarrassed while everyone laughed at Sarah's comment to the situation. They all were ready to venture off into the horizon. "How are we gonna know when we've reached an End Portal? Its underground!" Ivor asked. I know where it is my heart, sometime my dad and I would go there to get away from his duties." Sarah said.

The rest of the journey was mostly quiet with just some random topics along the way for humor, Jesse and Petra were enjoying their time together, She sat right behind him on his horse but she had to hold on to Jesse's waist. Jesse didn't mind, in fact he enjoyed her presence, the sun soon began to set so they decided they would set up for the night and leave in the morning in a full day's sunlight.

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MCSM Jetra: Adventure Of A Lifetime REWORKING FOR REALSOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz