🌹 {Chapter 16} 🌹

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The 'End' Is Near

♦ No One's Pov ♦

"Ok guys, we're here..." Sarah stated. The Order tied their horses to fence posts with leads and began to set up a camp in the surface before they venture down into the mysterious caves.

Jesse gave everyone instructions to set up camp, he decided that if anything were to go wrong, the camp would be like a back up area to retreat to.

"Lucas, Ivor and Axel will set up the tents, Olivia and Petra will gather sticks and coal for a camp fire and Sarah and I are gonna go scout ahead to make sure the area is safe, everyone clear?" Jesse exclaimed. Everyone agrees and went to work to get the camp ready.

Sarah showed Jesse the way to the Portal, as they went deeper into the cave, they had to make a torch, "So Jesse, how's it feel like to be in a relationship?" Sarah questioned , "It feels wonderfully, Petra is the best girlfriend anyone could ask for!" Jesse exclaimed, "Well I'm happy that you and Petra are happy" Sarah stated as she went deeper down into the cave. "Your a good friend Sarah" Jesse assured.

As Sarah and Jesse walked down the cave lighting up the way. They had to kill one or two creepers and a ton of zombies along the way until they finally made their way to the portal, "Whoa!" Jesse exclaimed , "Yup, we don't need to put in the eyes of ender to ignite the portal, the Old Order already did it." Sarah informed, "You mean the frauds?" Jesse stated with attitude. Sarah looked at Jesse in surprise, "Jesse you ok?" Sarah asked, Jesse sighed, " Since we had this 'Herobrine' problem, I haven't been able to spend much time alone with Petra, I do like the adventure but..." Jesse said sitting down on the stone stairs leading up to the portal. Sarah sat down next to Jesse, "Look, I honestly don't know how you feel but what I do know is that when we did this mess, you'll have all the time in the world to spend with Petra, maybe make a wooden house in the woods, have children..." Sarah stopped saying as Jesse looked at her with his eyes opened in surprise , "WHAT!?" Jesse exclaimed , "Uhhhh...what? Dont think your tricks would blind me, I'm sure you...want that..." Sarah stated as she watched Jesse's face was run red. "Uhh huh, so im, this is very awkward..." Jesse said, "Yup, let's go back to the others and get this over with, the sooner we get this sword, the faster we could get you and Petra in the sheets~" Sarah teased, "SARAH, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" Jesse said as they made their way out the cave, "WHAT!? Don't you say you don't want that cause that's a lie!" Sarah stated, "I don't want that!" Jesse said, "WHY U LIE TO ME BOI!" Sarah argued, "I don't want that...yet!" Jesse said as they went out the cave entrance, "Ohhhhh, your that kind of guy, the 'wanna impress' kind of guy." Sarah said as they met up with the others, "Hey guys what took you so long?" Olivia said, "We had some run in's with some monsters," Sarah answered. "Well let's get this mess over with!" Ivor said. "Camp looks great guys!" Sarah said, "Agreed!" Jesse stated.

They soon made their way down into the old caves, "You know, these caves were around since before the End Portal was created" Sarah informed, "Whoa!" Petra said in amazement, "Yea, whoa!" Lucas stated as he wrote notes in his journal, "You know Lucas, you should stop writing and pay attention to where you walking!" Sarah warned, "Why...WHOA!" Lucas yelped as he fell down a hole, "That's why..." Sarah Exclaimed as she covered her eyes with her hand, Everyone except Lucas laughed as Sarah pulled him out of the small hole.

They were finally back on track to the Portal and Petra asked Sarah a random question, "Sarah?" Petra started, "Yes friend?" Sarah responded,"Why don't you want a, you know, a boyfriend?" Petra finished, everyone looked at them in confusion, "Nope, why you ask?" Sarah questioned , "Well, You seem lonely most of the time" Petra admitted, Sarah laughed, "I chose to be alone, I'm sure it's nice to have someone who loves you but for me, nows not the time..." Sarah stated, "I see..." Petra finished as Jesse wrapped his arm around her back, "But I know you and Jesse are like soul mates so..." Sarah said as she smirked, "Stop, just stop" Lucas started, "You not the only single person in this world" Ivor stated, "Same..." Sarah said.

Soon, Sarah and the Order arrived to the End Portal and Sarah stopped to see their reactions before they entered.

"YO! This is awesome!" Axel said in excitement , "No kidding, it's even cooler than what the old order described it to be!" Olivia commented, " Lets hope it's safer than when we were last here to find Soren" Petra stated, "I sure hope so" Jesse finished, "Guys stop, it's safe, after you guys defeated the Wither Storm, Soren decided to return to his 'End' base to continue with his experiments or whatever" Sarah started, "Like I expected" Ivor said, "Remember when he ditched us when we were about to fight the Wither Storm?" Jesse started, "Yup" Olivia stated. "Well, End Sword, here we come!"

Sarah and the Order jumped into the End Portal in search of the End Sword, will it be easy or will it be difficult? (My guess is that it's gonna be hard,(that's what she said) because I'm not gonna make this story boring) or better yet, will they run old friends... Find out in the next part...

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