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I wake up in a room that is definitely not mine. Am I in a hospital?

"Mia!" Ashton yells and hugs me. I wince at the pain. "Sorry." He sighs.

"What happened?" 

"You saved my life. But you got hurt in the process." Ashton frowns. 

"Where is Cameron, Brandon, and Hunter?" I ask.

"They left, only one person can stay here over night and I wouldn't leave." He says with a forced smile.

"How long have we been here?" 

"Maybe 3 days, not long." He replies. 

I just nod. I look around and see the door, room 353. This was Johnny's room. Suddenly I feel a lot of pain, not only from the car that ran into me, but from my heart knowing this was the room Johnny passed away in. A few tears slip my eyes, I never will get over him. I was just a little girl when we fell in love, but he was the person I was supposed to live my life with. 

"Mia, what's wrong?" Ashton asks as he runs over to me. 

"This was the room, that Johnny-" I couldn't finish my sentence but Ashton knew what I meant. 

Hehe 353.. stranger things.. mike and eleven.. 353 days... only me? ok. sorry

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