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I immediately start crying my eyes out. Ashton wraps his arms around, and soon everyone's arms are too in a group hug. "So he's gone? Just like that?" I yell.

"Not technically." Cameron says.

"What does that mean?" I ask.

"Well there were some survivors on the plane, one was Johnny. But, he's in a coma.." Cameron says.

"SO I CAN SEE HIM?" I yell. Everyone nods and I push them off of me and run to the door. Cameron and Daniel follow me and we get into the car and speed off to the hospital.

Once we get there I run to the front desk and ask the man, "What room is Johnny Orlando in?"

"Sorry little girl, no fans allowed." He rudely says.

"I'm his fucking girlfriend! Let me in now!" I yell.

"Yeah, I'm sure you are." The man says sarcastically. Is he serious?

"Look me up right now, Mia Rowland! This is Cameron Dallas and Daniel Skye, you don't know them either?" I tell him angrily.

"Oh hello Mr.Skye and Mr.Dallas, you may go up to Johnny's room 305 on the 2nd floor." He says.

We start walking up and the man yells, "Not you!"

"Look up Mia Rowland right now!" I yell at him.

He groans and looks me up, he looks at a picture then me. "Oh, go ahead. I don't care for you Rowlands." He scoffs.

I would have full on attacked him right now, but I need to see Johnny. Daniel, Cameron, and I start running to the elevator. People yelled for us to walk but we didn't listen.

We finally got up to Johnny's room and I walk in to see him...



Thanks so much guys ! I'll update soon 😘

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