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After a few hours I finish packing all of my stuff except the things I'll need tomorrow.

I sit on my bed and go on my phone, I see that I have 2 missed facetime calls from Jacob and a text.


From Jacob💞: Answer me!!!

End Text

I go onto the facetime app and call Jacob. He answers almost right away.


M-Mia J-Jacob B-Brandon

In " is what she/he says in * is what she/he does

M: "Hey Jacob!" *Smiles*

J: "Hi Mia!" *Smiles*

M: "Uhh you called?"

J: "Oh yeah, you excited for Magcon?"

M: "Yessss!"

*Brandon walks in the room*

B: "Who are you talking to?"

M: "Jacob."

B: "Oooooh Mia's talking to her boyfriend!"

M: "Shut up! I don't even like him like that!" *Throws pillow at him*

J: "Hey Brandon!"

B: "Wassup Jacob"

J: "Ready for Magcon?"

B: "Totally like OMG!" *In a girly voice and flips his imaginary hair*

J: "Yeah well I have to go, text me Mia! See you guy tomorrow"

M: "Bye."

--End Call--


"What? Jacob likes you too." He says

"Don't lie to me like that Brando. As soon as you said that he hung up. Proabably embarrased that I like him. I'm ugly, not skinny, weird, awkward, and just overal stupid." I say as I sit down on my bed. Brandon walks over to the bed and sits down besides me.

"I'm not a lier, and you aren't ugly, your pretty skinny, weird is good, you aren't awkard, and you're actually really smart. I love you sis." He says and hugs me.

"Thank you Brando." I say hugging back.

"Come on, be happy." He says standing me up. I frown.


"Oh my gosh Brandon shut up!" I say a little loud.

Hunter and Ashton run through the door and ask, "What?"

"She's sad and being insecure and won't be happy after I told her a really deep and meaningful thing. Like most brothers aren't like that, and I'm not like most brothers so I'm not gonna stop until she's happy." Brandon tells them.

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