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-years later-

Hunter: 21
Brandon&Mia: 20
Daniel: 21
Joey&Johnny&Charles&Aaron: 19
Cameron D & Aaron C: 27
Ashton: 16


Daniel and I  live in our own house now in Florida! I've always wanted to live here and Hunter and Brandon moved here too.


We're all at the beach just hanging out, and this little girl runs up to me. "Hi, are you Mia Rowland?" She asks. "Yes I am!" I smile. "Oh my gosh! I love you so much!" She squeals. "Aww I love you too! How old are you?" I ask. "I'm 8 years old and my brother watches you too and he thinks your pretty! He's 17." She giggles. "Aww want a picture?" I ask. "Omg yes!" She squeals. We take a picture and she hugs me and runs off to her mom.

"How awesome would it be to have our own kid?" Daniel asks. "Pretty amazing." I smile turning around facing him. "Can we have one pleaseeeee?" He begs. "Some day Daniel." I laugh. He groans and walks back to Ashton.

Ashton walks up to me, "Daniel told everyone you guys want a baby." He laughs. "He did?" I ask. Ashton nods and I walk over to him. "You really want that kid don't you?" I laugh. "You guys should have one! It would be adorable! And he or she would have an amazing voice!" Hunter says. I blush and walk away from everyone and run into the ocean to think. The water here isn't like California, this water is warm and it's easy to relax in. What would it be like to have a baby?

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