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Johnny was laying there on the bed, lifelessly. When I thought he was gone, I realized how lucky I am to have him.

The nurse sees us and says, "Sorry guys, he has very little chance to survive." She walks out before we could respond. I sit on the bed with him and grab his hand. "Johnny please wake up. You're here for me when I need you, you're amazing, you're handsome, you have the most amazing voice, you actually love me, care for me, treat me like no one else has ever before. You make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world when I'm with you. You make me feel special. Nobody could ever replace you. Ever. I wouldn't live without you. You're the reason I'm still here, you're perfect Johnny! You deserve to live! You need to be here, we need you! I NEED YOU!"

I start crying, no bawling my eyes out. The tears wouldn't stop. I feel pressure on my hand.

I turn my head and see Johnny with a small smile and he was squeezing my hand.

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