
909 29 15

I wake up to a lot of yelling and beeping. "Get up now!" A doctor yells at me. I get up but Johnny yells, "I WANT HER WITH ME!" Then starts coughing. I run to him and grab his hand.
"Don't wait for me Mia! You promised! Keep the promise I love you so much! I heard everything you said so I know you love me too! No regrets! You never hurt me or anything! I love you!" He says trying to breathe.

I start crying. "I love you too!" Then his hand slips from mine and the machine goes flat.

He's gone.

"I'm so sorry." The doctor says trying to touch me. "No get away from me!" I yell. He backs away and Cameron comes to me, I dodge him and run into Daniel's arms. "Sing his song Let go Please!" Daniel starts singing while I cry into his chest.

I love Johnny.

Johnny loves me.

But he's gone now.

The love will never be gone.

I'll just have to learn to ignore it.

I'm sorry Johnny, it's gonna be really hard to keep your promise!


6K READS?! OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! Who do you think she'll move onto?  😖

He has to be 13,14 or 15 😔 I'm sad Johnny left

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