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I wake up coughing a lot. Daniel wakes up quickly and rubs my back. "Are you Okay baby?" He asks. I nod my head and lay back down, but can't fall back asleep. I see it's already 8am anyway, I get up and get dressed. I also put on some makeup, brush my teeth, and do my hair. Once I'm ready I go to my phone and see a text from Brandon.

Brandon🤪: can we come over?

Me: ofc!

Brandon🤪: omw:)

About 20 minutes later there is a knock on the door. I open it to see all my brothers. I give them all hugs and tell them to keep quiet because Daniel is still asleep. "Mia, can we talk?" Ashton asks. I nod my head and he pulls me outside. "I want to visit Johnny." He says as a tear comes to his eyes. My eyes tear up too. "How about you and I take a small trip to LA?" I ask, and his face light up. He hugs me and thanks me. Ashton and Johnny were really close too, he was the only one that didn't treat him like a baby. I go to Hunter and tell him what Ashton told me. "It's gonna be so hard for me Hunter, please come with us!" I beg him. "Of course I will!" He smiles. I smile at him and we all go into the living room to watch a movie.

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