"I know Camz." I gave her a half hearted smile. "I'll be fine. Go finish your album."
Your POV

After arguing with Camila for what felt like hours, she finally agreed to go ask Lauren if she would talk to me. She soon came out and told me that my fiancée would be out in a minute but she, herself, had to leave. She also warned me that Lauren told me to leave, I was to leave without argument. I agreed.

I paced around the kitchen for about ten minutes as I could feel myself getting more and more nervous. Feeling my mouth start to get dry I put down the flowers I was still holding and got myself a glass of water. As I took a sip I heard the door to one of the bedrooms open. Soon Lauren walked into view.

I froze as I was for a minute, glass still to mouth as I just stared at her. She gave me a confused look for a second before looking toward the ground and folding her arms as she leaned against the door frame. I put down the glass and cleared my throat.

"Hi." Was the only thing I could get out in that second and I was mentally kicking myself for as time passed and she didn't respond. "I brought you some flowers." I pointed toward the flowers on the island between us.

"What do you want Y/N." She finally spoke adjusting the robe she was wearing and folding her arms again.

"To talk." I stated looking up to meet her eyes this time. "I want to apologize, to fix everything."

"And what if it can't be fixed?" She countered. "What if this is it?"

"This can't be it for us Lauren." I shook my head stepping out around the island. "I won't believe that you're welling to throw away everything we have over some pills."

"That's the problem." She frowned. "You just don't get that this isn't about the pills."

"Then what's it about?" I asked.

"It's about you." She answered looking anywhere but my eyes. "It about the fact that I can hardly recognize the person you've become."

"Lauren, there's nothing different about me." I shook my head and stepped closer to her again. "I'm me, I've always been the same person.

"No, you aren't." She looked at me again I could see she was getting upset. "You're someone else now. The person I fell in love with would never hit the paparazzi, or by drugs from some dealer, she wouldn't get drunk all the time or take her anger out on her best friend and family."

"Those were all mistakes." I argued moving forward until I was a foot in front of her. "Lauren, I was upset, I didn't know what else to do in those situations."

"Mistakes you've been making over and over again." She shook her head. "What happens when you get upset again? Are you going to get drunk and take it out on me? What if we have kids Y/N?"

"Lauren." I paused for a second. "You know I would never hurt you like that."

"I know you wouldn't purposefully hurt me, but what if something happens while you're drunk?" She asked looking at the ring in her finger for a second. "How am I supposed to spend the rest of my life with you if I can't even trust you?"

"What are you saying?" My voice was shaky now as I was beginning to feel myself getting upset.

The brunette looked between the ring on her finger and me a few times in what felt like the longest second of my life. She reached her hand up and placed it against my cheek for a second looking deep into my eyes searching for something. She looked back toward the ring and pulled her hand away from my face.

But what she did next shattered my heart into a million pieces, I watched her pull the ring off her finger before looking at it one last time. She reached out and took my hand, placing her engagement ring in my hand and closing it.

"I love you." She stated still holding my hand and I could feel her looking at me as I looked at my hand with the ring in it. "I think we both need time." She paused to wipe the tears running down her face. "We've been together since we were still kids, you never really had a chance to find yourself on your own."

"Please." I mumbled tears running down over my cheeks.

"You need to figure yourself out before we can be together." She continued. "It's what's best for both of us."

"No." I shook my head. "Lauren please."

I tried to give her back the ring I'd given her the night I purposed but she pulled away, shaking her head.

"I can't do this anymore." She stated. "I won't watch you do this to yourself."

"You're serious." I mumbled in disbelief.

"I think you need some time to work things out on your own." She added.

"Lauren please." I begged. "Don't do this."

"It's what best for both of us." She stated. "I'm sorry."

"I need you." I cried. "Please just let me fix this."

"I'm sorry." She repeated again this time walking away.

I watched in silence as she walked down the hall toward the bedroom she'd come out of and closed the door without even a glance back toward me. I glanced down at the ring in my hand as the tears continued down my cheeks.
Lauren's POV

I closed the door behind me and let out the breath I had been holding as tears were already streaming down my face. I've never done anything that difficult in my entire life, but I know it's what is best for me at this point, and I whole heartily believe that it's what's best for Y/N, at least I hope so.

I could feel my heart beat faster in my chest as there was knocking on my door. I didn't dare open it, knowing that if it was Y/N I wouldn't hesitate to pull her into my arms and tell her I was sorry. I know the look on her face would break my heart even more than it was right now.

"Lauren." She mumbled knocking again. "Please."

I turned facing the door, leaning my head against it as I could hear the sniffling on the other side, I covered my mouth as I began crying harder as the pain in my chest spread throughout my entire body. I could hear a sob on the other side before there was silence.

A couple moments went by as I leaned my back against the door. It wasn't until I heard the front door slam closed and causing me to jump that I realized time was still moving. The love of my life, walking out that door and probably out of my life. I hope I made the right decision and didn't just ruin the rest of my life.

I don't know how long it took for me to realize I was still leaning against the door, but I made my way to the bed and hauled the covers over me as I began to cry again. Sobbing even harder than before as I held the pillow to my chest. I continued crying for what felt like hours until I fell asleep.

There was suddenly a big bang causing me to jump and walk up, Camila stood staring at me from the door of the bedroom. She held a piece of paper in her hand along with something else in the other. She walked angrily toward me as she held the paper out in front of my face and threw the ring at me, hitting me in the chest as it fell onto the covers of the bed.

"What the fuck did you do?" The brunette asked handing the paper over to me.

Looked down at it and frowned as the brunette watched.

I will always love you. I want you to be happy even if I'm not the person that can give you that. I'm sorry for everything. I was never good enough for you.

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