Chapter 15

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And this is where things get real. As you may recall, (y/n) is pretty mad right now. I wonder what happens. I couldn't find a fitting picture. You might want to play the song as you read. I listened to it as I wrote so...

     She was beyond angry and she watched as Gladion's hopeful expression turned into a fearful one. The man sitting behind the desk was being kept at bay by (y/n)'s water type. He didn't notice the growing energy that was visibly rising from (y/n). She called back her (fav water type) and put down her bag.

      The man ordered his pokémon to attack (y/n). The houndoom went down first. (Y/n) side kicked it in the side. Then she darted forward and frontflip kicked the next pokémon. The third one, a liepard, attacked her using quick attack, but she easily blocked the attack by crossing her arms.

      The rainbow colored aura that surrounded her materialized into a sphere and (y/n) attacked the liepard with it. All that was left now was the trainer. With inhuman speed, (y/n) dashed towards him. He attempted to run but (y/n) punched him square in the face. The man fell to the ground. He was out cold.

      (Y/n) turned to Gladion. Her angry expression didn't leave. With one swift attack, (y/n) cut right through the bands that were holding Gladion down. She proceeded to damage the rest of the equipment in the room.

        Mini circut explosions went off around the room and when (y/n) was done the room was a trashed broken mess. She had taken out all of her anger onto the room and Gladion had been the only thing in there left completely unharmed.

      She continued out of the room walking past Bonnie and Clemont. She was no longer herself. She used this newfound power of hers to destroy several sections of the walls around her. She formed several spheres of her rainbow colored aura and sent them shooting throughout the facility. The ground and ceiling started to shake but still, (y/n) didn't stop.

      "(Y/n)! You have to stop you're going to make this whole place collapse!" she heard Clemont yell. She ignored him. He didn't understand the basis of her rage she reasoned. But it was the voice of her best friend that stopped her.

        "(Y/n), don't you care what happens to any of us! Calm down! I hate seeing you like this," Gladion shouted at her.

      He was obviously in pain as he did his best to lean against the still intact wall near him. His words hurt her like a stab to the heart. She snapped out of her angered state. The aura around her greatly resisted this change and caused (y/n) great pain. She cried out as the aura dissolved into thin air, but the sensation felt like she was on fire.

     She calmed down completely and then looked over to Gladion and saw his shocked expression. It was one of the last things she saw before collapsing and eventually passing out.

      Gladion ran over to her despite him being in pain himself from all of the electrical torture. He cradled her close to him and looked around for the boy and little girl that he had seen earlier. When he spotted them, he called out to them. "Do you know the way out of here?"

       He didn't adress a specific one of them but the boy nodded his head frantically and said, " This way, but we will have to hurry. This place is still shaking and if I am correct, there is a fifty percent chance that the whole place will cave in!"

        Gladion managed to get (y/n) on his back so the he could carry her piggyback style. Despite his obvious pain, he was able to keep up with the boy and girl who's names he did not yet know.

      They made it out of the secret entrance eventually and since the building hadn't collapsed on them after all of that time, Gladion figured that it wouldn't be falling in at all. They didn't have to worry about fighting any grunts because they were focused on getting out of there as well.

        Once they were in the nearby pokémon center, which had also experienced tremors, Gladion dropped to the ground. Before anyone could come over to help him, he got (y/n) to a nearby cushioned chair and craddled her again. She rested her head on his chest.

        Gladion was not going to show any signs of weakness in front of strangers. The boy and girl from earlier were healing their pokémon and explaining to the lady at the desk about what had happened. Gladion wasn't exactly sure what they told her but he didn't care. As long as (y/n) was safe.

        "I'm so sorry, (y/n). This is all my fault," he whispered into (y/n)'s ear as his guilt became slightly more unbearable.

        " isn't...your fault...Gladion," (y/n) said. She was still unconscious but she was able to counter his self-blaming statement. He was a little surprised by that but it only made him pull her closer to him.

        "It is my fault. I shouldn't have left," he said to her. The boy from earlier walked over to him.

        "The nurse said she would tend to your injuries in a little bit. She's also going to check on (y/n)'s condition. You must be a good friend of hers. My name is Clemont and that girl over there is Bonnie, my sister. We volunteered to go with her. I'm sorry to have dragged her into this huge mess," Clemont said. This boy shouldn't be apologizing to him. It wasn't his fault.

     "Thank you. For going with her I mean. It's my fault that she's like this now," Gladion said looking away from Clemont. The nurse came over just in time to save the situation from becoming too awkward. She said she would be taking (y/n) to be treated, but Gladion was still reluctant to let her go.

      He didn't want (y/n) to leave his sight anymore. Once the nurse had taken (y/n), Gladion managed to start a conversation with Clemont. He soon left with his sister since it was getting late, leaving Gladion alone. Not that he wanted any company.

      Soon after, the nurse returned and brought Gladion to the room where (y/n) was. She offered for him to stay since they would have to keep (y/n) overnight and Gladion agreed. He sat on the bed next to (y/n)'s sleeping figure and looked around at the other beds in the room. It reminded him of the room that Team Skull had used for all of their beds except this one was much cleaner.

      "So now you understand why so many want her power. It is nearly unstoppable," Necrozma said. Gladion just nodded. As much as he hated the pokemon who had pretty much ruined his life, Gladion had to agree with what he had just said.

        It seemed that talking to pokemon was not the only thing that (y/n) could do. He couldn't let her use that power anymore. At least not until she learned more about it and had better control over it.

     He had to protect her and right now, he was not doing a good job. He was getting tired and his pain still hadn't subsided even with the pain killers that the nurse gave him. It was making him drowsy as well so he decided that the only thing he could do now was sleep and sleep he did.

I accidentally hit the publish button instead of the save button when I was half way through the story lol. But that's taken care of. I hope you all like this chapter. I almost lost my train of thought while I was writing it...and I suck at writing attack scenes. Until next time though!

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