Chapter 36- The Hotel

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Wee woo wee woo wee woo~

The wailing of sirens can be heard outside the Crystal Dome Hotel. Police are gathered around and nurses are lifting the dead body.

The suicide incident happened a while ago. Jisan woke up from her bed because of the noise. She frowned and checked outside to see a group of police and nurse and hotel owner.

" Hmm what happened?". She scratched her head and looked at the clock. It was 7:30 p.m. She sighed and checked her phone. Her mother already miscalled her 30 times. She felt sad and guilty. Why do I need to stay in this hotel? Why can't I just go home and tell everyone the truth?.

She went to the bathroom to wash her face. She hadn't take a bath since they went to the forest that's why hotel staff are looking at her. She looked through the closet and found a dress. It was color red and goes down to her thighs. She washed herself in the bathroom and folded her clothes neatly.

She brushed her hair and sat down on the bed. The noise outside was already gone. She sighed. Jisan needs to go home and tell the truth.

She missed Taehyung again. Seems her plan didn't work out so well. The first was fine but it got everyone worried about them.


Meanwhile, Namjoon and Yoongi are walking away from the hotel. Yoongi kept on scratching his head and looking back at the hotel. " I think the crime scene was over, let's go back".

" I told you they won't be there", Namjoon contradicted. Yoongi stopped walking.

" How can you be so sure about that? We haven't checked yet", Yoongi insisted. " Let's go back".

" What are we going to do? Search each room?". Yoongi clicked his tongue and facepalmed.

" Namjoon, can you please think normally? Of course we'll ask the counter there!", Yoongi said as he walk back to the hotel. Namjoon pouted and followed the elder.

As they entered the hotel, they came face to face with Jisan. They are both happy to see her. " Jisan!".

" Oh hi guys", Jisan said with a small smile. Yoongi can't control himself that he hugged Jisan. They were both shocked and the guy smiled and blushed.

" I'm sorry. That wasn't expected", he said sheepishly. Namjoon cleared his throat.

" So, where's Taehyung?", he asked. Jisan's smile faded and looked down. " Wait..what's with your face?".

A tear fell from the girl's eye. Yoongi saw it and frowned. " Hey Jisan, what happened?".

" I'm really sorry guys. I thought..I thought my plan will work out, my plan escaping the asylum but it went shitty. Everything was messed up. It was pointless. You guys got worried and Taehyung..he was..", Jisan said but stopped.

" He was what?!".

" He was caught again. The guards from Kliff Asylum got him. It was actually me and him in a cabin then a crazy lady escaped too and then started banging at our door. We thought those guards don't recognize Taehyung but Mr. Yoo knows them", Jisan continued.

" The fuck?", Yoongi said.

" I'm really sorry guys...". Namjoon tapped her back.

" Shh it was okay Jisan, let's go back to your mother. She was really sad since you were gone. She didn't even go the asylum", Namjoon said. " We'll tell everything to your mom, guys and V's family".

Jisan can't stop thinking about Taehyung and Mr. Yoo. She can't control the anger boiling in her. That bastard had enough. He destroyed everything. She sighed and tried to stay normal.

" After that, we'll go to the asylum and protest", Yoongi said. He took a hold of Jisan's hands. Namjoon coughed and Yoongi didn't care. " We'll help you Jisan. Let's get back V to us".

" Hmm okay..thank you guys and sorry". Yoongi grinned and ruffled Jisan's hair. Namjoom frowned and slapped Yoongi's hand.

" Hyung, just what the fuck are you doing? Are you becoming Jungkook?!", Namjoon asked.

" Namjoon, I'm just being sweet. Taehyung loves do I", he said with a chuckle. Jisan blushed. This guys are really hilarious some times. " Hmm I'm just joking..I just remember my lil sister to Jisan".

" Oh yeah..Yoongi had a sister but she passed away a year ago", Namjoon said. Jisan's mouth was shaped like 'o'.

" Oh really..".

" But speaking of dead..Jinhee was dead", Yoongi said. Jisan's eyes widened. What..she's dead? What? How on earth?.

" Yeah..poor her. She already apologized but I think she couldn't take it so she committed suicide a while ago. We saw the whole scene. It was disturbing..she fell from the top of this hotel".

Jisan couldn't believe it. The annoying bitch committed suicide. She even apologized.

" Oh..wait", Jisan said. " Ah that's why I heard some sirens a while ago".

Namjoon nodded. " Well..let's go back now. The other boys already texted me".

" Wait, how about Jin hyung? He was in Sherwood Forest?". Jisan glanced at Yoongi.

" It's where me and Taehyung hid", she said. Namjoon pursed his lips.

" Okay, I'll call him later. I hope he's okay".

" Let's go back now, let's ride a bus", Yoongi said. They all agreed and went to the bus stop.


I got bored in this one but..still thanks for supporting my story! :)

Thanks for reading!

- Zoe

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