Chapter 35- The Ex's Goodbye

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It was afternoon. Jungkook and the others are in the living room, planning how to find the two. They are pointing iut places in the map on where they could be hiding.

" I think they're here. In Sherwood forest", Jin said as he pointed at the map. Jimin frowned.

" Nah, they won't be there. There is an asylum there named Kliff Asylum. I'm sure they won't hide near there", he said.

" It's far from there you dimwit. It's just a map!", the oldest said.

" Stop fighting now. We need better planning", Namjoon scolded and they both stopped. " Now..maybe they are here in Carousel Park".

" Perfectly impossible", Yoongi said as he roll his eyes. " Namjoon, the heck? You think they'll hide there? Are you nuts?".

" But what if they are hiding there? Carousel park is not that big and there's a sewer there. They can hide there", Namjoon retorted. " V likes that sewer. He hides in that everytime we play hide and seek".

" Namjoon has a point", Hoseok said. " Let's put that in the list".

" Damn do you think Jisan would hide in a sewer? Pfft", Yoongi said while frowning.

" For the sake of V hyung? Yes", Jungkook said. Jin coughed and looked at the youngest.

" Hmm okay, continue", he said.

" Maybe staying in a hotel?", Jimin asked. He pointed at the hotel named Crystal Dome.

" That's possible too". Jin listed the place.

" How many are in the list?", Namjoon said as he look at the paper Jin was holding. " Hmmm..". He counted the list. " 4..only 4?".

" Yeah. We will split up when finding them. Me and Jin hyung, Namjoon and Yoongi hyung then Hoseok and Jimin..wait a minute..".

" Two of us will go solo", Namjoon said.

" I volunteer", Jungkook said. " I'll search the park".

" too! I'll go to Sherwood forest!", Jin said. Jimin frowned at him.

" You put that in the list?!", he exclaimed. Jin nodded and smirked.

" Are you sure Jin hyung? Going to the forest on your own? Its too risky", Namjoon said, a hint of concern in his voice.

" Of course I can", Jin assured.

" Okay, so all was settled. This night, we'll find them", Namjoon said as he stood up. The other boys stood up too. Yoongi frowned.

" Why tonight? We have 'tomorrow' ", he said, emphasizing the word tomorrow with his fingers.

" Yeah, hyung is right, why tonight?", Jimin added. Namjoon frowned then pouted. " Hyung, don't make that face, it's horrifying".

" Fuck off Jimin", Namjoon said. Jin slapped his shoulders. " Okay, tomorrow we'll find them".

The boys spent their time in the house, worrying about the two.

The next day came and Jungkook woke up early. The other boys are awake too. " Let's have breakfast first", he said. Jin cooked Hotdogs for the boys.

" Do you think they are hiding in those places? Maybe its too--".

" Don't be so negative Jimin, we'll find them", Hoseok said as he drink water.

They finished eating and prepared for their journey.


It was almost afternoon. Jungkook kept on searching the park. Even the sewer which is so rusty. He crunched his nose as he tried opening the cover. When he opened it, a foul stench was released so he covered it immediatley. They won't hide it for now, its too dirty, he thought so he left.

Meanwhile, Jin drove to the Sherwood Forest. It was quiet creepy for him but he knows he needed to find the two. He is the oldest so he can do this. He entered the forest using his car. He opened the light and drove inside, looking through the window to check outside. He saw a cabin and he stopped. I hope they are here, he thought as he went out of the car.

Namjoon and Yoongi was walking down the street. They are following the map to the Crystal Dome Hotel. It was far from their place but since they had no car, they walked.

" Ahh we're almost there, I know we'll find them", Namjoon assured. Yoongi nodded. The white skinned boy kept on looking around. " Did you see any signs?".

" Hmm nope".

They are already infront of Crystal Dome Hotel. Namjoon's heart was beating fast. He was nervous and excited as well. Once he see his bestfriend, he'll hug him tight. They were about to cross the road but they heard people shouting. Yoongi looked at where the others are pointing at. His eyes widened when he saw a girl on top of the building.

" N..Namjoon!", Yoongi shouted. "". Namjoon was shocked and looked up too. He looked back at Yoongi and held his shoulders.

" No! She's not Jisan, it's im--". He stopped when they heard a sound of loud thump on the car and something squirted. He averted his eyes and it was wide as plates. Other people are shouting and crowding around them. Yoongi was shock to see who it was.

" It's...".

" Jinhee".

Yes. They were right.

Jinhee was the one who fell off the building. Her body was broken. The bones and legs. Blood was spilled over the car and the ground. Her eyes was open but lifeless. A minute later, police came.

" Hyung..I don't know what to say..she's can't be..the girl had already apologized", Namjoon said as he stared at the lifeless body of Taehyung's ex.

" She uses drugs. Its in her eyes", one police shouted. The other police rushed to her. Ambulance came too.

" I know she still can't accept the thing about Jisan and Taehyung, that's why she drugged and commited suicide", Yoongi said.

" We better tell this to the others", Namjoon said. " Jisan and Taehyung won't hide in that hotel and I know it will be searched too since there's a crime scene, we can't pass through it".

They looked back at the hotel and walked away.


Well, hi guys! Another update!!

Yep. I killed the bish greasy beast in the story :)

Thanks for reading!!

- Zoe

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