Chapter 30- The Escape

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' He can't forget..I will do someting'.

' I can't let this happen. I won't let V forget about his parents, friends, and me. I love him and I want him to be happy..'.

Jisan opened the door to the asylum, her heart beating fast. She went to find where the room is until she saw her mother outside the room. " Mom!". Mrs. Park was shock to see her daughter. She looked at the window and saw V struggling from the guards. Her blood boils in anger.

" Jisan! Why are you here?! We can't do anything! It's too late!". Jisan didn't mind about her mother saying that. All she can do is to get V out of that room. She kicked the door then it fell off.

Everyone inside the room looked at her with complete shock. " Jisan! You came!", V shouted. She approached V but some guards held her arms. " Let go of her!".

" Well well well, what a surprise", Mr. Yoo said while clapping his hands. Mrs. Park ran to the room.

" Mr. Yoo, what's wrong with you?!". Mr. Yoo laughed sarcastically

" Seems this girl is ruining my plan". He looked at Mrs. Park who is angry. He frowned a bit. " I'm sorry my dear friend".

" Ahh!", the guard exclaimed as Jisan kicked him on the balls. The guard was about to grab her hair but she punched him on the face. Some guards rushed inside the room so she got a chair and threw it at them.

" JISAN! STOP!", Mrs. Park shouted, looking at Jisan with a surprised look.
Jisan is not stopping. V watched her with astonishment then he finds himself struggling more to get off the chair.

Jisan punched the guards with anger. Mrs. Park could see how her daughter change. She is not the old, helpless Jisan. She's the strong one.

Jisan approached V. Mr. Yoo saw it and ran to inject the serum to V.

The syringe injected him on the shoulder. Jisan was wide eyed. " No!". V's eyes widened as he looked at the syringe on his shoulder.

" Jisan", he said.

Jisan breathed heavily. " Taehyung, I'm sorry..".

" Jisan..", her mother said but trailed off. Jisan took a hold of V's hand. His straight jacket was ripped so she can touch his hand.

" My head is fuzzy ", he whispered. Jisan was not speaking.

" Jisan, V is under my control now. He'll forget about you!", Mr. Yoo said as he laughed. Jisan's eyes was full of hatred and tears. She looked at V. He is staring straight at her, no emotions can be traced.

" You monster! How about his family?!", Jisan shouted.

" There is no family for him right now! He is mine! Mine! You hear me?!". Jisan shouted.

" Jisan my dear, stop..", Mrs. Park approached to hug her daughter but Jisan backed away, still holding V's hands.

Jisan hugged V. " I..I know you don't remember me now". Mr. Yoo laughed.

Suddenly, she felt something. V's hand tightening on her grip. She looked at him with a great question forming inside her head. he still remember her or it is just because of the syringe?

" Jisan..don't worry", he whispered. He removed the syringe from his shoulder. Everyone in the room was shock to see him still remember her. Mr. Yoo was exasperated to see that. Mrs. Park was happy.

" GUARDS! GET HIM!". Jisan heard that then she take V with her and ran out of the room. " No! You can't take him! Guards, hurry up! Get those two!".

" Jisan!", Mrs. Park followed the two.

" Jisan? What are you doing?", Taehyung asked while running. They successfully exited the asylum. V covered his eyes from the sunlight.

They went to the parking station. Jisan went to Mrs. Park's car. " We're escaping".

" What?!", he said.

" Shit the keys", she said. She looked inside her bag then found an extra key so she opened the door to the car. " V get in quick".

Taehyung entered the car. Jisan closed the door and went to the driver's seat. She immediatley started the engine. She looked at her back and saw guards trying to find them. She moved the stirring wheel and started driving away.

" Jisan, what are you doing?". She looked at V, her eyes teary. " Jisan?".

" I thought you already forget me?", she said. Taehyung smiled and tapped her.

" No way", he said.


He suddenly removed his ripped straight-jacket and threw it outside the window. Jisan could see that he is wearing the sweatshirt that she gave him. He motioned to his shoulder. It was quiet bulky. Then, he removed something. It was extra foam and clothing. It resisted the syringe to inject him.

" I put this on. Thanks about the sweat shirt, it was thick", he said. Jisan smiled.

" I'm happy that you did that. Im afraid that your family will be sad about you forgetting about them". Taehyung sighed. He really wanted to hug his mother right now but he has no idea where Jisan would take him.

" Jisan, are we going home?", he asked.

" No. The guards might find you there. We are going away. Far away from them", she answered. " Taehyung, I know you want to see your mother but, this is not the right time. We will go back when the head change his mind".

" Okay".

Taehyung looked at the window and saw some houses. He really missed being outside.


Mr. Yoo is really horrible. Im annoyed. He's maaad.

- Zoe

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