Chapter 8-The Ex

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Hi! I'm back! So this is another chapter, the ex. You'll meet Taehyung's Ex. Sorry, I have to unpublish it because of chapter 7. It is placed before chapter 7 idk why.

Jisan woke up the next day. She was feeling a little bit sick so she stayed on her bed. She heard her phone notification and it was from Jungkook. How did he get her number?
She frowned.

From: ******

Hey its Jungkook, well sorry if your shock but you dropped your call card so I took it and saved your number just incase. Well, if you don't mind, can we have tea? My treat:)

She smiled at question. Jungkook wants to be friends with her more. She replied.


Uh hi, uhm okay, what time?

Jisan waited for the reply.

From: Jungkook

9:00, is that okay?

She immediatley stood up and went to the bathroom. It's 8:30 in the morning. After taking a bath, she wear a simple shirt and black rompers with her sandals. She got down and saw her mother's note. Baby, I'm early today, I'm at the asylum. I left some crackers.

Jisan took a bite on the cracker and brushed her teeth. She looked at her watch. Exactly 9:00. She walked until she got to the tea shop. Jisan already saw Jungkook there, waiting. Jungkook smiled when she saw her.

" Hi Jisan", Jungkook greeted. " Sorry if I creeped you out".

" No no, its fine", Jisan said while smiling.

" Shall we?", Jungkook said as he motioned his hands to the tea shop's door. Jisan nodded with a smile. They both entered and Jungkook ordered for them.

Jisan sat down and waited for Jungkook. Then she started thinking about Taehyung and made her blush. She doesn't know why but Jungkook saw it.

" What's up with you? You're blushing alone", he said. Jisan shooked her head.

" I'm fine, really..its just Taehyung", she admitted. Jungkook sighed.

" I missed him. We can't visit him", Jungkook said.

" Why don't you try visiting him?", Jisan asked as she sip on the cup of tea.

" I can't..", he said with a sigh. " I'm scared". Jisan was a bit shocked on what Jungkook said.

" Really? He's your friend", she said. Jungkook pursed his lips. " You don't need to be scared".

He suddenly looked behind Jisan. His eyes widened. Jisan frowned and looked behind her. There is a beautiful girl sitting far from them.

"Jinhee", Jungkook said.

" V's ex right?", she asked. Jungkook nodded.

" V loves Jinhee very much", Jungkook said. " But then, the incident happened that made Jinhee break up with him".

" Oh, I see", Jisan said.

" V and Jinhee started dating. It's because of V. They actually stayed for 5 months. Jinhee and V had a picture of their fifth monthsary", he added.

" How about you Jungkook?", Jisan asked as she take a sip of her tea. " Do you have a girlfriend?". Jungkook scrunched his nose.

" I used to like someone but she's so weird. That made me lose my feelings for her. She's a very pretty girl but one day, I saw her pick her nose", Jungkook said, remembering the memory of her crush. " And eat it".

" That's disgusting, I thought only guys do that", Jisan said. Jungkook raised his brow.

" Not all", he implied. " And that's not the only one she did to turn me off. She even puked infront of me then ran away without cleaning her waste".

" Ew", she said. " Are you sure she's a girl?".

" Of course she is a girl, she has boobs--", Jungkook said but cutted off by Jisan.

" Yah, I know that already, I mean, her behaviour doesn't represent a girl", Jisan said. Jungkook nodded.

" So..are you going to visit the asylum again?", Jungkook finally asked.

" Yes", Jisan simply answered. " I really wanted to help him". Jungkook nodded.

They exchange some conversation, but they don't know that Jinhee is listening to their conversation.

" Yeah haha", Jungkook said. " Anyway, gotta go now Jisan..are you going somewhere else?".

" Ah no, I'm going home too hehe", Jisan answered as she fixed her hair into a bun.

" Do you want me to go with you?", he asked. Jisan shooked her head while smiling.

" No need, I can manage", she said.

" Well okay, bye bye", Jungkook said with a smile as he exited the tea shop. Jisan sighed and smiled to herself. She went to the bathroom to fix herself but suddenly, someone held her arms and she heard the door closed.

Then she saw who it was.

" Jinhee?", Jisan asked. Jinhee raised her brow.

" I heard your conversation with Jungkook", she said. " And I know that you like Taehyung!". Jinhee hardened her grip on Jisan's arm, causing Jisan to immediatley pull her arms and looked at Jinhee.

" Sorry, I don't like Taehyung", Jisan said. Jinhee smirked.

" Bitch, you kissed him", Jinhee snapped. Jisan can't take this anymore. She had enough. This girl is freaking annoying her and ruining her day.

" He kissed me, please Jinhee, I don't want this to get too far", Jisan said. " I know you heard me and Jungkook, but you're still wrong with your accusations".

" I don't care. I don't care who started the damn kiss! Taehyung is mine! Mine! Do you understand?!", Jinhee said, her saliva almost spatting out. Ew.

Jisan nearly laughed at Jinhee's face.

" But the thing I know is, you broke up with V because he's gone mad", Jisan said. " Now, why are you angry with me, Jinhee?".

" Because you're a bitch. You kept on butting in someone else's life! You don't even know the real story! You're acting like you know anything!", Jinhee said. Jisan can't hold it.


Taehyung has a mean ex girlfriend..


AYO, IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME SINCE I UPDAPTED THE LAST CHAPTER. So, what do you think? Hehe, sorry guys, i mean Irene lovers here, I have to make her character like that. Anyway, ty for reading!!😂😊💜💜


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