Chapter 4- The Friend

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It was a normal day at the Park Residence. Mrs. Park had day off so she won't be coming to the asylum. Jisan is in the living room, staring at a space, her mind full of thoughts. Some are her dark past and some are knowing about V. Mrs. Park noticed her daughter's silence so she went and sat beside her.

" Hey, are you okay? Why so quiet today darling?", Mrs. Park asked. Jisan suddenly jumped a bit. Mrs. Park chuckled. " What are you thinking?".

" Oh, hi mom", Jisan said, gaining back to reality. Mrs. Park sighed.

" Hey, what are you thinking? You seem so quiet", her mother asked. Jisan sighed.

" I'm thinking about my past", Jisan answered. " And V". Mrs. Park didn't understand the last part.

" Jisan, just forget about it okay? Don't stress yourself with that past, its over", Mrs. Park comforted her daughter. " And what did you say?".

" Well..about V", Jisan said, looking at her mom.

" V?", Mrs. Park said, a bit surprised. " You liked that guy so much". Jisan scowled. Mrs. Park just chuckled.

" He had a girlfriend", she said. Mrs. Park stopped chuckling.

" What?", she asked. " How did you know?". Jisan smiled at her mother.

" I went to his house, well, I used to know the place so its easy to find", Jisan admitted. " I met his mother, had tea with her and saw his room".

" What? You did that? Without me?", Mrs. Park said with a frown.

" I'm sorry mom, I just wanted to help", Jisan said. Mrs. Park sighed. " Well, I didn't ask too much question, and, I saw his room, his pictures with his friend and girlfriend, I wonder where is she?".

" Next time, tell me if you are going to his house so I can go with you", Mrs. Park said. Jisan nodded. " Did she ask your name?".

" Of course", Jisan answered. " I also told her that I'm the daughter of her son's doctor".

" Good", Mrs. Park said. " Well, why don't you go out first? Enjoy yourself at the tea shop or go shopping".

" That would be great, how about you mom?", Jisan agreed.

" I'm going to take care of this papers", Mrs. Park nodded.

Jisan went to the bathroom and took a shower. After that, she changed to her red t-shirt, white jeans and red converse. She bid goodbye to her mother and started to walk. She wanted to have tea first.

But pictures came to her mind again. It was V. She can see V in her mind. His smirk. His narrow eyes. The way he speak. She doesn't know why she is so interested to this patient. She wanted to know about him. 

But suddenly, she bumped to someone that made her stumble down.

" I'm sorry!", the guy said. She looked at him. He was wearing a pink shirt with white suspenders and pants. Earphones in his ears and holding his phone. His hair is brown, brushed to the right side of his head. And he is good-looking. And familiar. The guy helped her stand up. " I didn't see you, I'm sorry, I'm busy on my phone, I didn't mean to".

" No, its my fault", Jisan said. " I didn't see you". The guy smiled.

" No its, my fault", he said. " I'm Jungkook, well, sorry again, as forgiveness, can I invite you to tea?". This guy is confident.

" Uhh...", Jisan said. I think, I can trust this guy, she thought. " Okay". They went to the tea shop. " I'm Jisan".

" Nice to meet you", Jungkook said with a smile. " So, what do you want to order?".

" Uh, I can order for myself", Jisan said.

" No, I should be the one who will pay for this its my fault", Jungkook said. " And second, I'm the guy here".

" But--". Jungkook looked at her with a smirk while his brows raising. " Fine. Green tea".

" Okay", Jungkook said and went to the counter. Jisan stared at the table. Thoughts again in her mind. Its like, it is saying something. I think I saw him before but I forgot where it is, she thought. After few minutes, Jungkook arrived with two cups on his hands. " Here you go".

" Thank you", Jisan said.

" Well, since we are just acquiantance here, I want to know you", Jungkook said. " So Jisan, where do you work?".

" I don't work, but I help my mother who is a doctor in an Asylum", Jisan answered. Jungkook looked at her.

" Asylum? Henkins Asylum?", Jungkook asked.

" Yeah. Why?", Jisan asked. Jungkook sighed.

" Its hard to say..let's say I'm missing someone, well I had this friend..he's in an Asylum", Jungkook said while looking at his tea. Jisan looked at him. He? A boy?

" Oh. How is he?", Jisan asked.

" Well, I don't know. It's so sad that I can't barely visit him", Jungkook answered. Jisan feel bad for Jungkook.

" Hmm, my mom had this patient", Jisan said. " He is so interesting, and I'm sad that he doesn't want me to help him, he said that I'm just wasting my time".

" Oh yeah, that", Jungkook said. " V right?".

Jisan stopped drinking her tea and her eyes widened.

" You know him?!", Jisan asked. Jungkook nodded. " Wait..I think..I saw you before..oh! I remember! I saw you from V's picture frames".

" When?", Jungkook asked.

" Yesterday", Jisan said. " I went to his house yesterday, met his mom and yes, thats all".

" Well, I gotta go now Jisan, I already paid the tea so no problem", Jungkook said with a smile as he stood up and exited the shop. Jisan stared blankly as the boy went away.

' Shit! I forget to ask him questions!', she thought. Really, that's the stupid of her. ' I didn't even get his number, oh stupid Jisan'.



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