Chapter 5- The Kiss

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Jisan went back to home. She kept on thinking a lot of things. V. Jungkook. She sighed. She forgot to ask questions to Jungkook.

" How's your day my dear?", Mrs. Park asked.

" Well..I feel stupid", Jisan admitted. Mrs. Park frowned.

" Why? Is there a problem?", Mrs. Park asked as she pour some sugar cubes on the coffee.

" I met Jungkook..V's best friend", she answered.

" His friend? So he got friends", her mother said. Jisan nodded. " So, what made you feel stupid?". Jisan sighed and looked at her mom. " Seems you're meeting a lot of friends right now since you started helping me out".

" I forgot to ask questions to him", she answered. Mrs. Park sighed.

" You are really that enthuastic about helping me", her mother said. " Well, tomorrow, are you still going with me at the Asylum?".

Jisan hestitated for a moment. Go now before I kill you. That sentence rang inside her mind that sent her goosebumps. Kill. That's a big word. And a big thing. She knows that this patient is so dangerous when he started a threat. A death threat.

But, she wouldn't give up that fast. Help. Help him. She knows she can do it. For her. For her mother. For him. Even she had already given a dead threat. She knows she's strong.

She is not like her past. Not fighting for herself. But now, she can do it.

" Yes". That's her final answer. A yes. She would go.

" Hmm good", Mrs. Park said. " Let's eat dinner".

Time skip, Jisan is preparing for bed. She laid down and stared at the ceiling until she got asleep.

" You freak! Get up!", her master said as he hit her with a belt. Jisan stood up immediatley while crying. " Why? Why are you crying?! Go! Do your chores!".

Jisan ran to the kitchen and washed the dishes. Her tears falling. She suddenly felt a belt hitting her from the back. Her master is hitting her. For no reason. Then, she saw someone. The master's children.

" Haha! Look at her! Look at how daddy hit her! It's fun to see her being beaten!", the son said. Jisan kept on crying while washing the dishes.

" Why don't you kill her daddy?", the daughter said.

" That's a good idea my child", the master said as he got a knife and sliced her skin. She yelled in pain and saw blood run through her skin.

" Stop that! Enough", someone shouted.

She woke up, sweating and crying. Her scar is stinging. She can feel how the master sliced her skin. She wiped her tears and checked the clock. 5:30 a.m. That dream. That dream just happened years ago. And she hated it. She looked at her window. Why do they need to do it to her?

She thanked herself for controlling herself back there. She supressed her feelings but still, sadness and hatred is what she felt on those darkest days. Well, she might thrown to an asylum for being crazy about her feelings and killing her masters, right?

Jisan went to the bathroom and took a shower. She tried to avoid seeing the scar. That just made her hurt more. After showering, she wear a simple white dress and a pink sweater. While waiting for the time, she dried her hair and fixed it to a braid. She went down and saw her mother already awake.

" Hi mom", she greeted her. Mrs. Park was a little bit suprised.

" Why so early Jisan?", Mrs. Park. " Are you really liking that patient?". Jisan rolled her eyes. She knows her mom is joking again.

" No", she said. " Nightmares mom". Mrs. Park's smile faded.

" Oh, forget about it, nightmares are just bad dreams", Mrs. Park said with a sigh.

Jisan sat down and started eating bacon and eggs that her mother prepared.

Time skip, Jisan and her mother arrived at the Asylum. Well, Jisan waited for her mother. While waiting, she observed the place. What if I got thrown here past years ago?, she thought but shrugged it off. Uhg, my crazy brain..

After 15 minutes, Mrs. Park isn't coming out yet so she peeked on the mini door of the room. She can see her mom talking to V. And V, not wearing a straight jacket again. She watched carefully. Then, her mom stood up and exited the room.

" Hey Jisan, be careful, he is not wearing a straight jacket", Mrs. Park said.

" Don't worry, I can handle it", Jisan said. Now she carefully entered the room. V was standing there, near the window, staring outside. She can see how handsome this patient was. Then, he stared at her. Jisan stopped on her tracks. He's there. Just staring at her. " Oh hi, V".

" Jisan", V said, his voice a bit husky. Jisan gulped as she remember the threat. " You're here".

" Yes, I'm here", Jisan said. V looked at her, up and down. Head to toe. She blushed at how this guy is looking at her.

" Looking good today", V said and stared at the window again. Jisan was a bit surprised.

" Who?", she asked. V looked at her again while raising a brow.

" Of course you", he answered. " Why? You thinking I'm good looking? Uhg, I'm ugly".

" No, you're not, you are handsome, the way you are", Jisan admitted. The patient stared at her.

" What's with you? ", V said frowning, but changed and walked towards Jisan. She backed a bit. V is angry. That, now scared her. Maybe, he might get a knife and stab her or something else.

But no, that was not the thing that the patient do. It was more..weirder. And that made Jisan really flushed and curious about this patient 95. Her heart was beating so fast.

He kissed her.

V kissed her.

On the lips..

That didn't last long as V parted himself and stared at Jisan. His eyes, again, full of sadness. " Why? Why are you so similar to her?", he said.

Jisan was like, struck by something. Similar to her. Maybe his girlfriend.

" V..what do you mean?", Jisan asked, still flushed.

" Never mind about it", V said while crying. " I'm sorry..".

Jisan can't keep off what just happened a while ago. The kiss. That is her first kiss, ever.

" There is nothing to be sorry about", Jisan said, looking down.

" No! I'm sorry okay?! I'm sorry I did that! You! You are just..", V said but stopped and hugged her. Now, Jisan can feel how sad and in pain V was. His problems are really serious. Jisan tapped his back.

" Shh it's okay", Jisan said.

Mrs. Park waited for Jisan on the lobby but she went to the room 95 and peeked. Her eyes widened when she saw V and Jisan, kissing. What on earth.., she thought. She had the urge to open the door but stopped when she heard V apologizing and crying. She realized that this guy has a serious problem. Mrs. Park sighed when she saw V again, hugged Jisan. Jisan, I know how you feel..



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