Meeting people near dinnertime.

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A/N: An AU of sorts in which Ahsoka meets Luke during a Rebels timeline, and she doesn't go missing. Set before season 4, hope you enjoy!

Kanan ran past. He was talking into a com-link, groaning. "No, I know that but... Wait, why are you telling me this now? You're already almost here! And anyway, I'm not the captain!"

Ahsoka watched as he ran, flailing his arms around.

"What are you looking at?" he asked, calming down and turning off the com-link.

She smirked and shrugged. "You. What was that about?"

He sighed. "I guess a senator and a couple of kids are coming over for dinner? Not together, both all three are gonna be here tonight, and likely at the same time..."

"Does Hera know?"

"Not... Not exactly."

Ahsoka raised an eyebrow. "You're going to risk your well-being over a dinner party?"

"Shut up, I'm going to tell her."

"You better."

"I did," came a voice from behind them. They jumped and turned around to see Rex standing there, chuckling.

"Don't do that!" Kanan frowned. "You scared us!"

"He didn't scare me," Ahsoka protested.

"Yes I did," Rex smiled.

"No you didn't."

"Yes I did."

"I can do this all day, Rex."

"Yes I did," Rex replied. "Wait..."

"No you didn't."

"Hey!" Kanan yelled, causing them to stop.

Ahsoka stood there smugly, looking at Rex.

"I beat you, Rexster."

He looked surprised, and she burst out laughing. Kanan wanted to video tape the rare moment in which Ahsoka Tano wasn't​ being serious over something.

Before he could run and do that, though, two ships landed, and the trio walked over to them.

Rex caught the way Ahsoka's eyes widened as she saw someone stepping out of the smaller ship, and she started to turn around.

"No," he whispered, putting his hand on her shoulder so she would stop walking. "Look at me."

She stopped and nodded. "I am."

"Don't turn around now, okay? You can walk up to him like nothing happened, you know."

"I can't, Rex."

"Fine. Say you can't do that, but you are brave enough to go over there and welcome him to the Ghost, then not talk anymore. Or talk as much as you need, I don't know."


"I won't leave you, alright?"

At that she took a deep breath, took his hand, and jogged to catch up to Kanan, who was already talking with the pilots of the ships by now.

"No, there's a lot of us, actually. Two others came out here with me, but they stopped for some- oh, there they are."

Rex stepped forward first. "It's nice to meet you. I'm-"

"Captain Rex?" questioned​ one of the people, the adult. "What are you doing here?"

He stayed silent for a second, then answered, "Well, I'm with this lot now. And next time, I can finish my sentence."

"Dang," the man whispered to himself. "That didn't go too well..."

"I'm Kanan Jarrus," he said, shaking the man's hand. "Nice to meet you. You'll have to wait a bit before eating, dinner isn't quite ready yet. Everyone else is inside the ship."

"I'm Luke," one of the other two people said, pushing his blonde hair out of his eyes.

"I'm Leia, but I didn't meet you two," she said, pointing at Rex and Ahsoka.

"Right..." said Ahsoka slowly, nodding her head. "Sorry about that."

Then the man from the first ship turned and looked at her, eyes widening. "I'm-"

She put up a hand. "Don't bother, welcome to the Ghost." Then she turned around and smiled at Leia. "And I'm Ahsoka, nice to meet you."

"Who are you, anyway?" Kanan asked the guy.

"I was going to answer you," he said, glaring at Ahsoka, who rolled her eyes, "Before I was interupted. I'm Lux Bonteri, by the way."

Rex chuckled softly as he walked alongside Ahsoka.

"When I told you to welcome him to the Ghost, I didn't mean to snap at him before he could say his name."

"I know, that's just what happened." Then she said suddenly, "That kid though... Luke. He looks familiar."

"He does," Rex agreed. "It's a bit weird."

They all went in to eat dinner, which apparently was ready and Kanan was wrong, and that went over smoothly, everyone was talking and having a good time... Until Ezra spoke.

"So, do you all know each other?"

My Star Wars Oneshots.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon