Going To Pick Up An Old... Rival?

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"Oh come on, it'll all turn out fine!"

Ezra glanced over at Ahsoka. "Famous last words."

"And of course it'll all be fine for you, you have a lightsaber!" Sabine, who was walking by the cockpit, yelled out.

"Kanan and Ezra could probably teach you how to use one!" Ahsoka yelled back. Sabine made no indication if she heard her or not.

"Yeah!" Kanan, who was lazing around in the cockpit with Ezra, said. If he had any issues with getting volunteered to help out, it surely didn't show. "It's not too hard. It's not impossible to learn. You pick things up fast, and you have three people to help you out."

"Three?" both Ezra and Ahsoka asked. The duo turned to stare at each other.

"Yeah. What's the issue?"

"I almost stabbed Sabine in the leg with my lightsaber last week. She was walking past me and I didn't see her."

"That's a common mistake," he replied, shrugging. "But be more careful next time. I'll tell her that, too." From his spot in the captain's chair, he twisted around to look back at Ahsoka, who was sitting in one of the seats behind him. "What do you think?"

"I'm... not so sure I would do well with teaching."

"Are you kidding?" Ezra exclaimed. "You're so wise! And talented! You've given me lessons before, and I did alright."

"You mean you didn't die," she corrected drily.

He smiled wider. "Yes! That automatically makes it a success, no matter what!"

"That's... an optimistic way of looking at things, I guess?"

"It is," he agreed. "Anyway! I don't see a reason why you would be a bad teacher."

"Uh, well-"

"I found someone who can help us on our next mission." Hera's sudden entrance seemed to interrupt some of them, (Ahsoka,) and spook others, (Ezra.)

Ezra sat up a bit straighter. "Who did you find?"

"What mission?" Ahsoka asked.

"To answer you," she pointed over at the blue-haired teenager, "It's not the best idea in the world, but I actually found a bounty hunter. A really talented one, too. Unfortunately, she knows what she's doing. And to answer you, Ahsoka, it's nothing major-"

"That's what you say every time!" Sabine, who had apparently decided to just come into the cockpit with the others, yelled. "And you're wrong, every time."

"I know how our plans all tend to go wrong- yes Kanan, I'm looking at you for a reason- but it's worth a shot. It's nothing too dangerous for us to handle, but it's nothing so easy that the bounty hunter can realistically do it alone."

"Okay, what is it?"

"We'll be meeting up with the bounty hunter on a nearby planet, and we'll be helping her get off world."

"Who are we helping?" Ezra questioned eagerly. He leaned in a bit closer toward Hera, which didn't work for very long. She started walking her way over to her seat, only to frown down at Kanan once she realize he was halfway asleep in it.

"Wake up."

He grumbled. Hera sighed and kicked the seat with her boot. When it barely even moved, let alone shook like she intended, she simply settled for shaking her boyfriend instead.

"No," he protested tiredly. Without even opening his eyes to see who was trying to get him awake, he swatted out and mumbled a, "Go away, Hera. I'm tired."

"Yeah, well, drink some caffeine. We have a mission, remember?"

"Ugh." He opened one eye. Hera once again rolled hers.

"Kanan, I need my seat."

"I don't wanna move."

After a few seconds of thought, Hera shrugged. "Alright." With that, she simply pushed him over a bit and sat down. She looked right next to her and said, "Oh well. Problem solved."

"Hera," Zeb, who had only walked in a few minutes ago, if that, decided to speak up. "Don't get distracted. Who are we helping?"

"I don't know if it's her real name, because you know bounty hunters, but she said that it's Assaj Ventress?"

Kanan nodded, making a face. "Yeah, her. I've heard a lot about her."

Zeb didn't seem to care. He only shrugged.

Ahsoka, on the other hand, seemed to care quite a bit, judging by the way she groaned and shook her head. "Oh no, not her. Please not again."

"Who's that?" Ezra asked innocently enough, seeming to either completely ignore Ahsoka's comment, or he simply hadn't noticed. Coming from him, it was probably more of the second thing.

"She's a bounty hunter. Hera just said," Sabine replied, sounding utterly uninterested, for all of two seconds at least. "Wait a minute. I actually know that name."

"Why, did you study her or something?"

"I did learn about her, yes. She worked with Dooku- wait..." something else seemed to suddenly distract her. Or, more accurately, she had a sudden realization. "You," she said, pointing at Ahsoka, who made a face when the rest of the Ghost Crew turned to stare at her. "You worked with her before."

"What?" Ezra, always oblivious, asked. "When? How?"

"Oh right. That was back when you were around her age, right?" Kanan asked calmly enough, pointing at Sabine as an example of age.

"Yes," Ahsoka answered reluctantly. "To both questions. I did work with her, yes, but it was different than now. Since you brought it up, Sabine, I'm sure that you already know this, but it was supposed to be a deal beneficial to both of us. I didn't care too much who she was, I was mainly trying not to get captured."

"By who? If she's a bounty hunter, doesn't that mean that she was against you at the time?" Ezra asked another question. "Were there Sith involved? Wouldn't Assaj Ventress just help them instead?"

Ahsoka looked over at Kanan. "You don't tell this kid much about the Clone Wars, do you?"

"Of course I do," he lied.

"Mhm. Okay. Hey Ezra, name three important events from the Clone Wars."

Ezra seemed to have to think on it. "Uhh. Well..." he deflated, "Maybe you can tell me something? And maybe this Asajj person too, since we'll be stuck with her for a while. Maybe she knows something too?"

Ahsoka sighed and shrunk back in her seat as the Ghost finally took off.

"Oh boy..."

A/N: GUESS WHO FINALLY UPDATED MORE THAN ONCE A MONTH FOR ONCE? Me. I did. It's about time... anyway I don't know if this is any good, but I kinda got spoiled about the book Dark Disciple... so if there's a sudden abundance of Ventress in my upcoming chapters, there's somewhat of an explanation? (I'm bitter okay?) hope you enjoyed! Please leave some suggestions for me.

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